Bennie Bracks wants to make tokens each turn, and Doug has some ideas to make it happen!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Tokens, Activate!
#Bennie Bracks Zoologist, #blaring recruiter, #bootleggers' stash, #cleric class, #custodi soulbinders, #dawn of hope, #drogskol cavalry, #eldrazi displacer, #glittermonger, #golem foundry, #heliod god of the sun, #helm of kaldra, #luminarch ascension, #master trinketeer, #mobilization, #oketra the true, #pentavus, #prava of the steel legion, #prosperous innkeeper, #sacred mesa, #spawnsire of ulamog, #together forever, #tokens, #twilight drover Read More »
Ultra Budget Brews - Nethroi, Apex of Death
This Nethroi deck is less than $30 and will reanimate over 30 creatures.
#abzan, #budget commander, #custodi soulbinders, #deckbuilding, #golgari grave-troll, #izoni thousand-eyed, #kalonian hydra, #nethroi apex of death, #polukranos unchained, #realm seekers, #reanimator, #Renata called to the hunt, #silverglade pathfinder, #stitchers supplier, #ultra budget brews, #underrealm lich Read More »