Commander Showdown - Lathril vs Abomination of Llanowar
If you love Golgari Elves, which commander is right for you?
Epic Experiment - Virtus & Gorm Elfball
Epic Preparations Good Morning, EDHREC! I’m Bernardo Melibeu and this is The Epic Experiment, a series where we throw all common sense aside and experiment with some unusual cards, effectively changing how we normally build our deck. Is it going to work? Who knows?! We’re making science here. When you’re an Izzet mage, blowing things up […]
Commander Showdown — Tishana vs Zegana
Prime Speaker of Thunder Ixalan is just around the river bend, which means we must turn our attention from the tribes of Commander 2017 to the tribes of this dangerous new plane. We have a ton of new and exciting legendary creatures headed our way, but there's one in particular that stands out. Commander Showdown […]