form of the dragon

Bringing Magic to Life - Celebrating with a Bang!

Bringing Magic to Life - Celebrating with a Bang!

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey everyone! Kya here once again. Happy Almost 4th of July! I'm super excited for a day off this week. It's a little strange getting a single day off on a Wednesday though, isn't it? Don't party too hard, as the recovery period will be short! I hope everyone has some plans to enjoy their […]
Historically Speaking — Blood Fast and Bat Gods

Historically Speaking — Blood Fast and Bat Gods

Charles Allison
Charles Allison
Welcome to Historically Speaking! I’m Charlie Allison, and I’ll be your guide through mythology, anthropology, and burn spells! I’ve been playing Magic: The Gathering since middle school, and Commander in particular since college, putting about a decade of experience brewing, scheming, and fuming over historical travesties under my belt. When I’m not playing Magic or […]