haktos the unscarred
Too-Specific Top 10 - So Lonely and Sadly Alone
These keywords were one-time-only, but they're still very popular!
The 600 - A Review of Theros Beyond Death Commanders
Reviewing the popularity of Theros's epic legends!
EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel
Just like Achilles, every Commander deck has a secret weakness. It's not about opponents having the perfect answer to your strategy - sometimes there's a hidden weak point in the deck itself... one the deck brewer may not even know, that can be the deck's downfall. Today the EDHRECast digs through tons of deck archetypes […]
EDHRECast Ep94 - The Epic Theros Set Review Crossover
This isn't just any set review! EDHRECast, CMDR Central, Commander Cookout, and Commander Social have embarked upon an epic odyssey crossover to review all the amazing new cards from Theros Beyond Death! This is part FOUR, where members of each show have gathered to discuss the best legendary creatures of the set. Which one will […]
Theros Beyond Death Set Review – Gold
Time to review the multicolored cards from Theros Beyond Death!