kodama of the east tree
Wombo Combo - Mono-Green Edition
These infinite combos are sure to make your opponents green with envy.
Challenge the Stats – Henzie "Toolbox" Torre
Blitzing in some creatures? Jevin's uncovered some underplayed gems for the Toolbox!
Power Sink- Kodama, The Loneliest Number
How well does Kodama work without any Partner at all? Lenny goes trailblazing to find out!
The 600 - A Review of Commander Legends Predictions
Time to review the review! How popular did the Commander Legends legends end up?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Pipers
Elvish Piper picked a peck of popular powers. A popular peck of powers Elvish Piper picked!
The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of Commander Legends, Part 1
How popular will the new Partners become? Let's make some predictions!