
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Deck Tech

Brian Cain
Brian Cain
Looking to...borrow...a few things from your opponents? Then check out this deck tech for Gonti, Canny Acquisitor, the new legend from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, for a thieving good time.
Mechanically Minded - Legendary

Mechanically Minded - Legendary

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
This deck is legend.... wait for it..................... DARY
Underdog's Corner — Patron of the Moon

Underdog's Corner — Patron of the Moon

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
This article is Round 3 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. Welcome back to the Underdog's Corner! This round we travel from the war-torn wilderness of Tarkir […]