merfolk tribal

Replacement Commanders - The Enchanted Waters

Replacement Commanders - The Enchanted Waters

DM Cross
DM Cross
The Real Sun's Champion We are back (back again!) my lovely readers, and I need to ask you to sit down, lean back, and get ready for another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series shines a spotlight on the legendary creatures from the annual Commander precon decks that aren't the face card on the packaging, […]
Uncommonders — Simic Silver Value Fish!

Uncommonders — Simic Silver Value Fish!

DM Cross
DM Cross
Hello, lovely readers! It looks like it is about that time again, where we look at some of the most interesting legendary creatures in the game. Of course, I am talking about those that did not come with a rare or mythic rarity, but the silver-stamped uncommon commanders known as Uncommonders (at least, here that […]