narset parter of veils
Achievement Unlocked - Are Cards Banned in Other Formats Underrated in EDH?
Benjamin brews an EDH deck made entirely out of Banned cards!
Staple Remover – Hullbreacher
Hullbreacher is banned, but Jaelyn has other tricks up her sleeves to punish enemy draw steps!
Ranking Every Planeswalker with EDHREC – Finale: Top Ten People Who Are Good at Walking
Joseph's finally made it to the end of the list of planeswalkers. Which one's #1?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Two Thousand Top Nineteen
Celebrating the end of 2020 by looking far too closely at its most popular cards!
Mind Bend - Grixis Cursechantress
Enchantress is primarily green and white... so it's time for a Grixis enchantment deck!