Too-Specific Top 10 - PreDH Commanders
Interested in PreDH? Doug checks out the top 10 commanders!
Too-Specific Top 10 - A Rising Tide
You draw a card! And you draw a card! Everyone draws a card!!!
Core 2021 Set Review - White
Core 2021 reviews begin! How has the new set impacted EDH?
Making the Cut - Friendly Neighborhood Infinite Mana Combos
The happy purple hippo is here to make friends! But what do we cut to make room?
Turning Data to Decks — Embracing New Players
Kya Vess
Hello Everyone! Kya here! Also known slightly better as The Girl with the Lotus Tattoo! Who am I you ask? The same as you, a Commander player who enjoys spending my spare time slinging spells and talking smack while doing so. Okay...well maybe you're just into that first part about slinging spells, but I just […]
Dig Through Time — Onslaught
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time—I apologize for the lateness of this article. I had some computer troubles, and some issues with work and getting ready for a second child. This week we're going to check out 2002's Onslaught set. Onslaught brought back the cycling mechanic which was first introduced during Urza's Saga, and which we saw […]
Dig Through Time — Visions
Did you know that Magic is 25 years old? You probably did. But are you familiar with very many cards more than a decade old? Maybe you aren't. Today I'm going to reacquaint you with a set 20 years in Magic's past: Visions! Visions is a small set from Mirage block that used the mechanics phasing, flanking, and cumulative upkeep. But […]