Wombo Combo - Best Planeswalker Combos in EDH
Planeswalk your way to a win with these spotlight planeswalker combos!
Myth Realized - What if Any Three-Color Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander?
In this edition of Myth Realized, we take a look at three-color planeswalkers to see if any of them would be broken as your commander.
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Simic)
Would planeswalkers like Nissa, Kiora or Oko make good commanders?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Boros)
Bend the commander rules and consider these Boros planeswalkers as commanders!
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Golgari)
What if any Golgari planeswalker could be your commander in EDH?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Izzet)
Would you want to see these Izzet planeswalkers in the command zone?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Orzhov)
Would planeswalkers like Kaya and Sorin break EDH, or be good Orzhov commanders?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Selesnya)
Would these Selensya planeswalkers shake up the format as commanders?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Gruul)
Would these green red planeswalkers be a smash hit as commanders?
Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Rakdos)
Nicholas explores whether these planeswalkers would work as fun and powerful commanders.