Epic Experiment - Baird Superfriend Prison
Baird protects all, especially his Superfriends.
Heart of the Cards – Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Cow goes "moo," Dog says "woof," and Dragons go "Oink."
The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control
Greetings Readers! It's your friendly neighborhood jank crafter again! Sorry for not having an article for you last time, but I didn't have internet while I was out of the country. While I was out there, I took a picture list of all of the Dominaria commanders, because I wanted to try something new with […]
Singleton Guild Wheel — Daxos' Enchanted Edition
This article is part 6 of a 10 part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10 deck project where there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Each deck uses the color combination of a different Ravnican guild. The methodology is introduced here and expanded upon each week […]