rootha mercurial artist
Wombo Combo - Best Izzet Combos in EDH
What's the top Izzet combo card? Explore EDH wincons using these Izzet combos.
Dominaria United Set Review - Enemy Colors and Wedges
Reviews come to a close! Trent tackles the first half of Dominaria's multicolored cards!
The 600 - A Review of Strixhaven and C21 Commanders
Just how popular did all those Strixhaven commanders wind up being?
The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of Commander 2021 & Strixhaven Commanders
Which commanders from Strixhaven will rise to the top???
Strixhaven Set Review - Prismari and Blue
This Strixhaven set review will prepare you in the ways of blue and Prismari magecraft!