saheelis directive
Staple Remover – Breya, Etherium Shaper
Need a break from Breya? These other artifact commanders offer surprising synergy!
Underdog's Corner - Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice
Present Day Artifice Hello, everyone! Welcome to a new edition of the Underdog's Corner! Today you are in for a treat, as I get to cover one of my personal favorite legends from Commander 2018, as well as a commander that I am actually building in paper! I've carefully watched the numbers on EDHREC and […]
Commander 2018 Set Review - Red
*Cue the Music* *Deep breath* It's the moooooost wonderrrrfulll tiiiiiiiiiiiiime of the yeeaaaarrrrrr! With new cards for viewing and commanders for brewing and hyperbole to heeeeearrrrr! You know what time I'm talking about everyone: Commander Christmas! Commander 2018 is upon us and the decklists are spoiled. The ghosts of precons past are trying to haunt us […]