shelob dread weaver

The Over/Under - A Review of The Lord of the Rings Commanders

The Over/Under - A Review of The Lord of the Rings Commanders

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Which Lord of the Rings commanders have been most popular in practice? Kyle reviews his predictions one year on!
Rally the Ancestors - Eight-leg Discount

Rally the Ancestors - Eight-leg Discount

Dallas Meidinger
Dallas Meidinger
Build a budget-friendly Spiders deck using a commander you might not have seen in a while!
The Over/Under Part 2- Predicting the Popularity of Lord of the Rings Commanders

The Over/Under Part 2- Predicting the Popularity of Lord of the Rings Commanders

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Kyle evaluates the popularity of the new commanders from The Lord of The Rings: Tales from Middle-earth commander decks.