Mind Bend - Golgari Creatureslinger
You've heard of spellslinger, but sometimes you can sling creatures even better than spells!
Replacement Commanders - The Fairest of Phyrexian Mana
DM Cross
Unsure how to build K'rrik? Here are three different brews!
The Knowledge Pool - Niv-Mizzet, Parun
Before he went five-color, Niv was slinging some exceptionally crazy spells.
Heart of the Cards – Rakdos, the Showstopper
Rakdos has many potential build paths, each deadlier than the last!
Archetune-Up - Neheb, the Burninator
Using EDHREC Theme pages to tune up a burn-tastic Neheb brew!
Heart of the Cards – Samut, Voice of Dissent
Samut can be brewed in many ways, each deadlier than the last.