talrand sky summoner
Too-Specific Top 10 - Format Foundations
Core Sets have released some truly fascinating legends... let's look at the most popular ones!
Superior Numbers - Invalidating Power Memory
Are these cards EDH all-stars? Or is their legacy affecting our evaluation?
Ultra Budget Brews - Talrand, Sky Summoner
Talrand doesn't need pricey spells to make his peck of Drakes pack a punch.
Monomania - All Things Considered: Blue
Taking an in-depth look at the color of the depths
Superior Numbers - I Played 352 Games of EDH in 2019
Dana logged every single game he played in 2019. These are the results.
Dig Through Time — Betrayers of Kamigawa
Hoooleeeee crap, it has been awhile. But! Dig Through Time is back today with a review of the second set of the infamous Kamigawa block—Betrayers of Kamigawa. This set came out 13 years ago in 2005 (can you believe that 2005 was 13 years ago?) and introduced one of the most popular, most requested aspects […]
EDHRECast - Our Decks!
EDHRECast - Our Personal Decklists! Hello! Below you'll find links for decks belonging to the hosts of the EDHRECast: Joey Schultz, Matt Morgan, and Dana Roach! Check out the EDHRECast here! Enjoy the cast, and enjoy the decklists! Joey's Decks - Baby Lasagna - Mimeoplastic - Syrah Konnor + - A "Commander" Commander Deck - […]
Dig Through Time — Urza's Block
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time, and I apologize for the delay between our last column and today's. Just an FYI, this series is going to become slightly more intermittent, dropping down to once a month or so for the time being, as my family welcomed my second baby on November 21st (fingers crossed […]
Dig Through Time — Nemesis
We already covered Mercadian Masques back in February. Today we're going to dig back in time to cover the second set in the Mercadian Masques block—Nemesis. Nemesis came out in 2000, and brought back Spellshapers, alternative casting costs, Mercenaries and Rebels from the previous set. Mercenaries and Rebels are still too parasitic to be very interesting, but the […]
Dig Through Time — Time Spiral
Maybe you've noticed a theme in my last two columns. First we did Future Sight. Then we visited Planar Chaos. Hm, is this a pattern? Yes, we've been doing Time Spiral block in reverse, and that means that today we're going to the past to visit the set that kicked off this crazy block. In addition to bringing […]