thalia guardian of thraben
Mechanical Memories — A Tale of Three Thalias
How much do you actually know about Thalia? Learn about the mechanics, design and history in EDHREC's brand new series.
These Cards Do WORK! - Gaddock Teeg
Can J Ro overcome his hatred of hatebears, and learn to embrace the Teeg?
Grapple with the Past - Dark Ascension
Let’s take a look through Dark Ascension’s best EDH hits!
Magic 25 breakdown and price review
How to review Masters 25? It's not like anyone needs to be told [card]Azusa, Lost but Seeking[/card] is good to open in your rare slot or that [card]Akroma, Angel of Fury[/card] is not that great to crack as a mythic. We also aren't a financial website so projecting the value of the set and the […]