Average Deck for Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward // Far Traveler - Budget Lifegain
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward // Far Traveler
1 decks (0.000%)
Rank #1245
1 Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
1 Far Traveler
1 Airdrop Aeronauts
1 Ampryn Tactician
1 Angelic Aberration
1 Angelic Chorus
1 Arashin Cleric
1 Archaeomancer's Map
1 Archon of Redemption
1 Argivian Cavalier
1 Attended Knight
1 Auramancer
1 Automatic Librarian
1 Aven Gagglemaster
1 Aven Riftwatcher
1 Aviary Mechanic
1 Azorius Arrester
1 Blighted Steppe
1 Brightmare
1 Bronze Walrus
1 Candy Trail
1 Cat Collector
1 Cathedral Sanctifier
1 Charming Prince
1 Chrome Cat
1 Circuit Mender
1 Clarion Cathars
1 Combat Thresher
1 Conclave Phalanx
1 Courier Griffin
1 Crumbling Vestige
1 Crystal Grotto
1 Crystalline Crawler
1 Dwarven Priest
1 Emissary of Sunrise
1 Energy Refractor
1 Gallant Cavalry
1 Golden Egg
1 Guarded Heir
1 Guardian of Ghirapur
1 Guild Globe
1 Helpful Hunter
1 Hierophant's Chalice
1 Inspiring Cleric
1 Irregular Cohort
1 Ivory Giant
1 Karmic Guide
1 Knight of the New Coalition
1 Kor Cartographer
1 Lena, Selfless Champion
1 Lossarnach Captain
1 Loyal Warhound
1 Master Splicer
1 New Benalia
1 Oltec Cloud Guard
1 Omen of the Sun
1 Pierce Strider
34 Plains
1 Precursor Golem
1 Prized Statue
1 Professor of Symbology
1 Ransom Note
1 Sentinel Totem
1 Soul Warden
1 Soul's Attendant
Charming Prince
Charming Prince
Precursor Golem
Precursor Golem
Soul Warden
Soul Warden
Aven Gagglemaster
Aven Gagglemaster
Master Splicer
Master Splicer
Crystalline Crawler
Crystalline Crawler
Soul's Attendant
Soul's Attendant
Karmic Guide
Karmic Guide
Pierce Strider
Pierce Strider
Aven Riftwatcher
Aven Riftwatcher
Airdrop Aeronauts
Airdrop Aeronauts
Attended Knight
Attended Knight
Courier Griffin
Courier Griffin
Ivory Giant
Ivory Giant
Conclave Phalanx
Conclave Phalanx
Irregular Cohort
Irregular Cohort
Arashin Cleric
Arashin Cleric
Azorius Arrester
Azorius Arrester
Archon of Redemption
Archon of Redemption
Lena, Selfless Champion
Lena, Selfless Champion
Cathedral Sanctifier
Cathedral Sanctifier
Ampryn Tactician
Ampryn Tactician
Aviary Mechanic
Aviary Mechanic
Dwarven Priest
Dwarven Priest
Gallant Cavalry
Gallant Cavalry
Emissary of Sunrise
Emissary of Sunrise
Inspiring Cleric
Inspiring Cleric
Kor Cartographer
Kor Cartographer
Professor of Symbology
Professor of Symbology
Loyal Warhound
Loyal Warhound
Clarion Cathars
Clarion Cathars
Circuit Mender
Circuit Mender
Chrome Cat
Chrome Cat
Bronze Walrus
Bronze Walrus
Argivian Cavalier
Argivian Cavalier
Automatic Librarian
Automatic Librarian
Combat Thresher
Combat Thresher
Guardian of Ghirapur
Guardian of Ghirapur
Knight of the New Coalition
Knight of the New Coalition
Lossarnach Captain
Lossarnach Captain
Oltec Cloud Guard
Oltec Cloud Guard
Angelic Aberration
Angelic Aberration
Helpful Hunter
Helpful Hunter
Guarded Heir
Guarded Heir
Cat Collector
Cat Collector
Artifacts (9)
Archaeomancer's Map
Archaeomancer's Map
Candy Trail
Candy Trail
Energy Refractor
Energy Refractor
Golden Egg
Golden Egg
Guild Globe
Guild Globe
Hierophant's Chalice
Hierophant's Chalice
Prized Statue
Prized Statue
Ransom Note
Ransom Note
Sentinel Totem
Sentinel Totem
Enchantments (2)
Angelic Chorus
Angelic Chorus
Omen of the Sun
Omen of the Sun
Lands (4)
Blighted Steppe
Blighted Steppe
Crumbling Vestige
Crumbling Vestige
Crystal Grotto
Crystal Grotto
New Benalia
New Benalia
Basics (1)
34 Plains