Average Deck for Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal - Budget Vampire

Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal
1 decks (0.000%) Rank #799
Jeff Dunn
Legends Legends - Nebuchadnezzar
Find out what cards your opponents are holding and then force them to discard them with this Nebuchadnezzar Commander deck!
Jesse Barker Plotkin
Singleton Shmingleton - Build a Theft Deck with Mind Rot
Use your opponents' cards to win with this Commander deck!
Commander Spellbook

1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal 1 Abandon Hope 1 Alms of the Vein 1 Arguel's Blood Fast 1 Arterial Flow 1 Asylum Visitor 1 Big Game Hunter 1 Binding Negotiation 1 Bishop of the Bloodstained 1 Black Market 1 Blade of the Bloodchief 1 Blight Keeper 1 Blood Bairn 1 Blood Fountain 1 Bloodbond Vampire 1 Bloodcrazed Paladin 1 Bloodcrazed Socialite 1 Bloodflow Connoisseur 1 Bloodhunter Bat 1 Bloodhusk Ritualist 1 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth 1 Bloodsoaked Champion 1 Bloodtithe Collector 1 Bloodtracker 1 Bloodvial Purveyor 1 Cabal Conditioning 1 Call to the Netherworld 1 Ceremonial Knife 1 Cordial Vampire 1 Courier Bat 1 Dark Withering 1 Desecrated Tomb 1 Dirge Bat 1 Falkenrath Forebear 1 Font of Agonies 1 Forsworn Paladin 1 Glass-Cast Heart 1 Gluttonous Guest 1 Gorgon Recluse 1 Grimclaw Bats 1 Gurmag Swiftwing 1 Hell Mongrel 1 Indulgent Aristocrat 1 Malakir Familiar 1 Markov Baron 1 Marshland Bloodcaster 1 Necrogoyf 1 New Blood 1 Patron of the Vein 1 Promise of Aclazotz 1 Sanctum Seeker 1 Screeching Scorchbeast 1 Sinister Concoction 1 Skeletal Vampire 1 Stromkirk Bloodthief 34 Swamp 1 Tarrian's Journal 1 Timothar, Baron of Bats 1 Vengeant Vampire 1 Victim of Night 1 Vindictive Vampire 1 Voldaren Bloodcaster 1 Voldaren Estate 1 Voldaren Pariah 1 Wall of Blood 1 Wedding Security
Courier Bat
Courier Bat
Bloodhunter Bat
Bloodhunter Bat
Grimclaw Bats
Grimclaw Bats
Screeching Scorchbeast
Screeching Scorchbeast
Skeletal Vampire
Skeletal Vampire
Timothar, Baron of Bats
Timothar, Baron of Bats
Voldaren Bloodcaster
Voldaren Bloodcaster
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
Bishop of the Bloodstained
Bishop of the Bloodstained
Indulgent Aristocrat
Indulgent Aristocrat
Patron of the Vein
Patron of the Vein
Cordial Vampire
Cordial Vampire
Stromkirk Bloodthief
Stromkirk Bloodthief
Bloodvial Purveyor
Bloodvial Purveyor
Bloodcrazed Socialite
Bloodcrazed Socialite
Blight Keeper
Blight Keeper
Bloodbond Vampire
Bloodbond Vampire
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Falkenrath Forebear
Falkenrath Forebear
Bloodhusk Ritualist
Bloodhusk Ritualist
Bloodcrazed Paladin
Bloodcrazed Paladin
Bloodsoaked Champion
Bloodsoaked Champion
Bloodtithe Collector
Bloodtithe Collector
Gluttonous Guest
Gluttonous Guest
Voldaren Pariah
Voldaren Pariah
Wall of Blood
Wall of Blood
Wedding Security
Wedding Security
Hell Mongrel
Hell Mongrel
Gorgon Recluse
Gorgon Recluse
Blood Bairn
Blood Bairn
Gurmag Swiftwing
Gurmag Swiftwing
Marshland Bloodcaster
Marshland Bloodcaster
Forsworn Paladin
Forsworn Paladin
Dirge Bat
Dirge Bat
Malakir Familiar
Malakir Familiar
Markov Baron
Markov Baron
Sanctum Seeker
Sanctum Seeker
Vengeant Vampire
Vengeant Vampire
Vindictive Vampire
Vindictive Vampire
Asylum Visitor
Asylum Visitor
Big Game Hunter
Big Game Hunter
Instants (2)
Dark Withering
Dark Withering
Victim of Night
Victim of Night
Sorceries (7)
Abandon Hope
Abandon Hope
Alms of the Vein
Alms of the Vein
Arterial Flow
Arterial Flow
Binding Negotiation
Binding Negotiation
Cabal Conditioning
Cabal Conditioning
Call to the Netherworld
Call to the Netherworld
New Blood
New Blood
Artifacts (6)
Desecrated Tomb
Desecrated Tomb
Glass-Cast Heart
Glass-Cast Heart
Blade of the Bloodchief
Blade of the Bloodchief
Tarrian's Journal
Tarrian's Journal
Ceremonial Knife
Ceremonial Knife
Blood Fountain
Blood Fountain
Enchantments (5)
Arguel's Blood Fast
Arguel's Blood Fast
Black Market
Black Market
Font of Agonies
Font of Agonies
Promise of Aclazotz
Promise of Aclazotz
Sinister Concoction
Sinister Concoction
Lands (1)
Voldaren Estate
Voldaren Estate
Basics (1)
34 Swamps