Average Deck for Amber Gristle O'Maul // Scion of Halaster - Dragons

Amber Gristle O'Maul // Scion of Halaster
1 decks (0.000%) Rank #3584
Commander Spellbook

1 Amber Gristle O'Maul 1 Scion of Halaster 1 Arcane Signet 1 Backdraft Hellkite 1 Bitter Reunion 1 Bladewing the Risen 1 Blast-Furnace Hellkite 1 Bone Shards 1 Brainstealer Dragon 1 Cathartic Reunion 1 Chaos Warp 1 Collector's Vault 1 Crux of Fate 1 Dragon Mage 1 Dragon's Approach 1 Electric Revelation 1 Faithless Looting 1 Feed the Swarm 1 Ganax, Astral Hunter 1 Honor the God-Pharaoh 1 Insidious Dreams 1 Knollspine Dragon 1 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury 1 Lathliss, Dragon Queen 1 Locket of Yesterdays 1 Manaform Hellkite 1 Moonveil Dragon 33 Mountain 1 Neheb, the Eternal 1 Pain Magnification 1 Pyromancer Ascension 1 Quarrel's End 1 Scourge of Valkas 1 Seize the Spoils 1 Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon 1 Smoldering Egg 1 Sol Ring 1 Spellweaver Helix 10 Swamp 1 Syr Carah, the Bold 1 Terminate 1 Thrill of Possibility 1 Thrumming Stone 1 Tormenting Voice 1 Utvara Hellkite 1 Wheel of Misfortune 1 Wild Magic Surge 1 Witch's Mark
Syr Carah, the Bold
Syr Carah, the Bold
Backdraft Hellkite
Backdraft Hellkite
Moonveil Dragon
Moonveil Dragon
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury
Utvara Hellkite
Utvara Hellkite
Bladewing the Risen
Bladewing the Risen
Smoldering Egg
Smoldering Egg
Manaform Hellkite
Manaform Hellkite
Ganax, Astral Hunter
Ganax, Astral Hunter
Brainstealer Dragon
Brainstealer Dragon
Dragon Mage
Dragon Mage
Lathliss, Dragon Queen
Lathliss, Dragon Queen
Blast-Furnace Hellkite
Blast-Furnace Hellkite
Scourge of Valkas
Scourge of Valkas
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
Knollspine Dragon
Knollspine Dragon
Neheb, the Eternal
Neheb, the Eternal
Instants (6)
Chaos Warp
Chaos Warp
Electric Revelation
Electric Revelation
Insidious Dreams
Insidious Dreams
Thrill of Possibility
Thrill of Possibility
Wild Magic Surge
Wild Magic Surge
Sorceries (12)
Bone Shards
Bone Shards
Cathartic Reunion
Cathartic Reunion
Crux of Fate
Crux of Fate
Dragon's Approach
Dragon's Approach
Faithless Looting
Faithless Looting
Feed the Swarm
Feed the Swarm
Honor the God-Pharaoh
Honor the God-Pharaoh
Quarrel's End
Quarrel's End
Seize the Spoils
Seize the Spoils
Tormenting Voice
Tormenting Voice
Wheel of Misfortune
Wheel of Misfortune
Witch's Mark
Witch's Mark
Artifacts (6)
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet
Collector's Vault
Collector's Vault
Locket of Yesterdays
Locket of Yesterdays
Sol Ring
Sol Ring
Spellweaver Helix
Spellweaver Helix
Thrumming Stone
Thrumming Stone
Enchantments (3)
Pain Magnification
Pain Magnification
Pyromancer Ascension
Pyromancer Ascension
Bitter Reunion
Bitter Reunion
Basics (2)
10 Swamps
33 Mountains