Average Deck for Anax and Cymede - Budget
Anax and Cymede
37 decks (0.001%)
Rank #1629
May 8, 2023
Singleton Shmingleton - Fencing Ace
Jesse takes a look at the tiny folks packing the one-two punches!
Oct 23, 2020
Ultra Budget Brews - The Exploding Cost of EDH: A Budget Brew Review
The cost of Commander is rising. Let's examine that rise, and how to keep brewing on a budget!
1 Anax and Cymede
1 Ajani's Mantra
1 Akroan Hoplite
1 Angelic Gift
1 Arcane Signet
1 Auramancer
1 Baird, Argivian Recruiter
1 Battle Mastery
1 Blazing Crescendo
1 Blood Ogre
1 Bonds of Faith
1 Boros Garrison
1 Boros Guildgate
1 Cavalry Pegasus
1 Commander's Sphere
1 Condemn
1 Conquering Manticore
1 Crater Hellion
1 Daily Regimen
1 Dawnstrike Paladin
1 Defiant Strike
1 Desperate Stand
1 Dragon Blood
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Expedite
1 Feather, the Redeemed
1 Fencing Ace
1 Figure of Destiny
1 Fists of Flame
1 Freewind Equenaut
1 Furycalm Snarl
1 Gods Willing
1 Gorehorn Minotaurs
1 Griffin Guide
1 Gustcloak Sentinel
1 Hero of Iroas
1 Hero of the Nyxborn
1 Icy Manipulator
1 Launch the Fleet
1 Magma Jet
1 Moment of Heroism
14 Mountain
1 New Benalia
1 Nobilis of War
1 Ordeal of Purphoros
1 Path of Ancestry
1 Pay No Heed
1 Phalanx Leader
17 Plains
1 Pyroclasm
1 Pyrokinesis
1 Righteousness
1 Rising of the Day
1 Searing Meditation
1 Skarrgan Firebird
1 Smite the Monstrous
1 Somberwald Vigilante
1 Stand Firm
1 Sticky Fingers
1 Stun Sniper
1 Sun Titan
1 Talisman of Conviction
1 Terramorphic Expanse
1 Thraben Valiant
1 Truefire Paladin
1 Undying Rage
1 Vanguard of Brimaz
1 Volt Charge
1 Wind-Scarred Crag
1 Winds of Rath
1 Zada, Hedron Grinder
Akroan Hoplite
Akroan Hoplite
Baird, Argivian Recruiter
Baird, Argivian Recruiter
Blood Ogre
Blood Ogre
Cavalry Pegasus
Cavalry Pegasus
Conquering Manticore
Conquering Manticore
Crater Hellion
Crater Hellion
Dawnstrike Paladin
Dawnstrike Paladin
Feather, the Redeemed
Feather, the Redeemed
Fencing Ace
Fencing Ace
Figure of Destiny
Figure of Destiny
Freewind Equenaut
Freewind Equenaut
Gorehorn Minotaurs
Gorehorn Minotaurs
Gustcloak Sentinel
Gustcloak Sentinel
Hero of Iroas
Hero of Iroas
Hero of the Nyxborn
Hero of the Nyxborn
Nobilis of War
Nobilis of War
Phalanx Leader
Phalanx Leader
Skarrgan Firebird
Skarrgan Firebird
Somberwald Vigilante
Somberwald Vigilante
Stun Sniper
Stun Sniper
Sun Titan
Sun Titan
Thraben Valiant
Thraben Valiant
Truefire Paladin
Truefire Paladin
Vanguard of Brimaz
Vanguard of Brimaz
Zada, Hedron Grinder
Zada, Hedron Grinder
Instants (14)
Blazing Crescendo
Blazing Crescendo
Defiant Strike
Defiant Strike
Fists of Flame
Fists of Flame
Gods Willing
Gods Willing
Magma Jet
Magma Jet
Moment of Heroism
Moment of Heroism
Pay No Heed
Pay No Heed
Smite the Monstrous
Smite the Monstrous
Stand Firm
Stand Firm
Volt Charge
Volt Charge
Sorceries (4)
Desperate Stand
Desperate Stand
Launch the Fleet
Launch the Fleet
Winds of Rath
Winds of Rath
Artifacts (5)
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet
Commander's Sphere
Commander's Sphere
Dragon Blood
Dragon Blood
Icy Manipulator
Icy Manipulator
Talisman of Conviction
Talisman of Conviction
Enchantments (11)
Ajani's Mantra
Ajani's Mantra
Angelic Gift
Angelic Gift
Battle Mastery
Battle Mastery
Bonds of Faith
Bonds of Faith
Daily Regimen
Daily Regimen
Griffin Guide
Griffin Guide
Ordeal of Purphoros
Ordeal of Purphoros
Rising of the Day
Rising of the Day
Searing Meditation
Searing Meditation
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Fingers
Undying Rage
Undying Rage
Lands (8)
Boros Garrison
Boros Garrison
Boros Guildgate
Boros Guildgate
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Furycalm Snarl
Furycalm Snarl
New Benalia
New Benalia
Path of Ancestry
Path of Ancestry
Terramorphic Expanse
Terramorphic Expanse
Wind-Scarred Crag
Wind-Scarred Crag
Basics (2)
17 Plains
14 Mountains