Average Deck for Gríma, Saruman's Footman - Budget Spell Copy
Gríma, Saruman's Footman
3 decks (0.000%)
Rank #1492
Dec 14, 2023
Nearly Identical - Admiral Beckett Brass or Don Andres?
Who's the best Pirate commander? Joshua helps you find your next treasure.
Jun 26, 2023
The Over/Under Part 2- Predicting the Popularity of Lord of the Rings Commanders
Kyle evaluates the popularity of the new commanders from The Lord of The Rings: Tales from Middle-earth commander decks.
1 Gríma, Saruman's Footman
1 Aetherize
1 Aetherspouts
1 Arcane Heist
1 Archivist of Gondor
1 Archway of Innovation
1 Auton Soldier
1 Bident of Thassa
1 Brotherhood Spy
1 Call of the Nightwing
1 Choked Estuary
1 Combat Research
1 Command Tower
1 Creeping Tar Pit
1 Dazzling Sphinx
1 Deekah, Fractal Theorist
1 Deluxe Dragster
1 Devourer of Memory
1 Dimir Cluestone
1 Dimir Guildgate
1 Dimir Infiltrator
1 Dimir Locket
1 Dissolve
1 Dowsing Dagger
1 Drowned Catacomb
1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
1 Engulf the Shore
1 Etrata, Deadly Fugitive
1 Evie Frye
1 Fetid Pools
1 Frozen Aether
1 Glint
1 Hands of Binding
1 Hidden Strings
1 Ice Tunnel
1 Invisible Stalker
17 Island
1 Jacob Frye
1 Last Thoughts
1 Leyline of Singularity
1 Leyline of Transformation
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Long-Term Plans
1 Lydia Frye
1 Mental Vapors
1 Midnight Recovery
1 Mindsplice Apparatus
1 Mizzium Skin
1 Mystic Sanctuary
1 Ordeal of Erebos
1 Ordeal of Thassa
1 Palace Siege
1 Paranoid Delusions
1 Polymorphist's Jest
1 Rassilon, the War President
1 Reservoir Kraken
1 Rogue Class
1 Rooftop Bypass
1 Scourge of Fleets
1 Shadow Slice
1 Shoot the Sheriff
1 Shoreline Looter
1 Silent Hallcreeper
1 Sphinx Ambassador
1 Stolen Identity
1 Sudden Substitution
1 Sunken Hollow
6 Swamp
1 Tainted Isle
1 Thassa, God of the Sea
1 The Magic Mirror
1 Thieves' Tools
1 Thought Vessel
1 Trait Doctoring
1 Undercity Plague
1 Virtue of Knowledge
1 Voidwalk
1 Whispering Madness
1 Writ of Return
Archivist of Gondor
Archivist of Gondor
Auton Soldier
Auton Soldier
Brotherhood Spy
Brotherhood Spy
Dazzling Sphinx
Dazzling Sphinx
Deekah, Fractal Theorist
Deekah, Fractal Theorist
Devourer of Memory
Devourer of Memory
Dimir Infiltrator
Dimir Infiltrator
Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
Etrata, Deadly Fugitive
Etrata, Deadly Fugitive
Evie Frye
Evie Frye
Invisible Stalker
Invisible Stalker
Jacob Frye
Jacob Frye
Lydia Frye
Lydia Frye
Rassilon, the War President
Rassilon, the War President
Reservoir Kraken
Reservoir Kraken
Scourge of Fleets
Scourge of Fleets
Shoreline Looter
Shoreline Looter
Silent Hallcreeper
Silent Hallcreeper
Sphinx Ambassador
Sphinx Ambassador
Thassa, God of the Sea
Thassa, God of the Sea
Instants (10)
Engulf the Shore
Engulf the Shore
Long-Term Plans
Long-Term Plans
Mizzium Skin
Mizzium Skin
Polymorphist's Jest
Polymorphist's Jest
Shoot the Sheriff
Shoot the Sheriff
Sudden Substitution
Sudden Substitution
Sorceries (15)
Arcane Heist
Arcane Heist
Call of the Nightwing
Call of the Nightwing
Hands of Binding
Hands of Binding
Hidden Strings
Hidden Strings
Last Thoughts
Last Thoughts
Mental Vapors
Mental Vapors
Midnight Recovery
Midnight Recovery
Paranoid Delusions
Paranoid Delusions
Shadow Slice
Shadow Slice
Stolen Identity
Stolen Identity
Trait Doctoring
Trait Doctoring
Undercity Plague
Undercity Plague
Whispering Madness
Whispering Madness
Writ of Return
Writ of Return
Artifacts (10)
Bident of Thassa
Bident of Thassa
Deluxe Dragster
Deluxe Dragster
Dimir Cluestone
Dimir Cluestone
Dimir Locket
Dimir Locket
Dowsing Dagger
Dowsing Dagger
Lightning Greaves
Lightning Greaves
Mindsplice Apparatus
Mindsplice Apparatus
The Magic Mirror
The Magic Mirror
Thieves' Tools
Thieves' Tools
Thought Vessel
Thought Vessel
Enchantments (10)
Combat Research
Combat Research
Frozen Aether
Frozen Aether
Leyline of Singularity
Leyline of Singularity
Leyline of Transformation
Leyline of Transformation
Ordeal of Erebos
Ordeal of Erebos
Ordeal of Thassa
Ordeal of Thassa
Palace Siege
Palace Siege
Rogue Class
Rogue Class
Rooftop Bypass
Rooftop Bypass
Virtue of Knowledge
Virtue of Knowledge
Lands (11)
Archway of Innovation
Archway of Innovation
Choked Estuary
Choked Estuary
Command Tower
Command Tower
Creeping Tar Pit
Creeping Tar Pit
Dimir Guildgate
Dimir Guildgate
Drowned Catacomb
Drowned Catacomb
Fetid Pools
Fetid Pools
Ice Tunnel
Ice Tunnel
Mystic Sanctuary
Mystic Sanctuary
Sunken Hollow
Sunken Hollow
Tainted Isle
Tainted Isle
Basics (2)
17 Islands
6 Swamps