Average Deck for Ludevic, Necrogenius - Budget Self-Mill

Ludevic, Necrogenius
3 decks (0.000%) Rank #1839
Marty Castle
Ode To "Smooky"
Ludevic's Zombie Laboratory! A Midnight Hunt/Crimson Vow preconstructed deck upgrade and analysis that mixes theme, flavor and synergy.
Trent Trombley
Dec 23, 2021
Reconstruct History — Commander Mana Values
How does a commander's mana value affect its popularity?
Commander Spellbook

1 Ludevic, Necrogenius 1 Azure Fleet Admiral 1 Balustrade Spy 1 Bellowing Crier 1 Bind the Monster 1 Bond of Insight 1 Captain of Umbar 1 Carrion Grub 1 Citywatch Sphinx 1 Clandestine Meddler 1 Consider 1 Containment Membrane 1 Contaminated Aquifer 1 Corpse Churn 1 Countersquall 1 Crow of Dark Tidings 1 Daggerfang Duo 1 Daring Saboteur 1 Deathcap Marionette 1 Departed Deckhand 1 Deranged Assistant 1 Dig Up the Body 1 Dimir Aqueduct 1 Dimir Guildmage 1 Dimir Informant 1 Dimir Locket 1 Dimir Signet 1 Discerning Taste 1 Discovery // Dispersal 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Divination 1 Elite Instructor 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Fall from Favor 1 Festerleech 1 Forbidden Alchemy 1 Frantic Search 1 Gorging Vulture 1 Grim Discovery 1 Halo-Charged Skaab 1 Hypnotic Grifter 1 Ice Tunnel 1 Into the Fae Court 19 Island 1 Ithilien Kingfisher 1 Jalum Tome 1 Lightshell Duo 1 Likeness Looter 1 Millikin 1 Mind Drill Assailant 1 Notion Rain 1 Opt 1 Pharika's Libation 1 Rise from the Tides 1 Sailor of Means 1 Sanitation Automaton 1 Scattered Thoughts 1 Scurrilous Sentry 1 Seeker of Insight 1 Song of Stupefaction 1 Spell Blast 1 Staunch Throneguard 1 Surveillance Monitor 11 Swamp 1 Tenured Oilcaster 1 Terramorphic Expanse 1 Totally Lost 1 Trailblazer's Torch 1 Vantress Transmuter 1 Vedalken Entrancer 1 Victimize 1 Witch's Cottage
Azure Fleet Admiral
Azure Fleet Admiral
Balustrade Spy
Balustrade Spy
Bellowing Crier
Bellowing Crier
Captain of Umbar
Captain of Umbar
Carrion Grub
Carrion Grub
Citywatch Sphinx
Citywatch Sphinx
Clandestine Meddler
Clandestine Meddler
Crow of Dark Tidings
Crow of Dark Tidings
Daggerfang Duo
Daggerfang Duo
Daring Saboteur
Daring Saboteur
Deathcap Marionette
Deathcap Marionette
Departed Deckhand
Departed Deckhand
Deranged Assistant
Deranged Assistant
Dimir Guildmage
Dimir Guildmage
Dimir Informant
Dimir Informant
Elite Instructor
Elite Instructor
Gorging Vulture
Gorging Vulture
Halo-Charged Skaab
Halo-Charged Skaab
Hypnotic Grifter
Hypnotic Grifter
Ithilien Kingfisher
Ithilien Kingfisher
Lightshell Duo
Lightshell Duo
Likeness Looter
Likeness Looter
Mind Drill Assailant
Mind Drill Assailant
Sailor of Means
Sailor of Means
Sanitation Automaton
Sanitation Automaton
Scurrilous Sentry
Scurrilous Sentry
Seeker of Insight
Seeker of Insight
Staunch Throneguard
Staunch Throneguard
Surveillance Monitor
Surveillance Monitor
Tenured Oilcaster
Tenured Oilcaster
Vantress Transmuter
Vantress Transmuter
Vedalken Entrancer
Vedalken Entrancer
Instants (12)
Corpse Churn
Corpse Churn
Dig Up the Body
Dig Up the Body
Discovery // Dispersal
Discovery // Dispersal
Forbidden Alchemy
Forbidden Alchemy
Frantic Search
Frantic Search
Pharika's Libation
Pharika's Libation
Scattered Thoughts
Scattered Thoughts
Spell Blast
Spell Blast
Totally Lost
Totally Lost
Sorceries (8)
Bond of Insight
Bond of Insight
Discerning Taste
Discerning Taste
Grim Discovery
Grim Discovery
Into the Fae Court
Into the Fae Court
Notion Rain
Notion Rain
Rise from the Tides
Rise from the Tides
Artifacts (4)
Dimir Locket
Dimir Locket
Dimir Signet
Dimir Signet
Jalum Tome
Jalum Tome
Trailblazer's Torch
Trailblazer's Torch
Enchantments (4)
Bind the Monster
Bind the Monster
Containment Membrane
Containment Membrane
Fall from Favor
Fall from Favor
Song of Stupefaction
Song of Stupefaction
Lands (7)
Contaminated Aquifer
Contaminated Aquifer
Dimir Aqueduct
Dimir Aqueduct
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Ice Tunnel
Ice Tunnel
Terramorphic Expanse
Terramorphic Expanse
Witch's Cottage
Witch's Cottage
Basics (2)
19 Islands
11 Swamps