Celestial Kirin (Card)

Celestial Kirin
In 751 decks 0% of 2536813 decks
Paul Palmer
Jul 18, 2024
Technically Playable - Celestial Kirin
Build a mono white Spirits deck with Celestial Kirin, inspired by EDHREC's random button!
Naomi Krause
Going Brokkos - Celestial Kirin Barren Glory Sweep Tribal
Naomi has another insane deck that probably didn't need to be made, but here we are. Welcome to Celestial Kirin EDH, Going Brokkos style!
Commander Spellbook
King of the Oathbreakers
3.01% of 3688 decks 111 decks
O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
6.03% of 1426 decks 86 decks
Millicent, Restless Revenant
1.27% of 6375 decks 81 decks
Karador, Ghost Chieftain
1.14% of 5517 decks 63 decks
Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa
3.02% of 1955 decks 59 decks
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
33.33% of 144 decks 48 decks
Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
0.36% of 6382 decks 23 decks
Kykar, Wind's Fury
0.16% of 10996 decks 18 decks
Morophon, the Boundless
0.14% of 10393 decks 15 decks
Hikari, Twilight Guardian
40.00% of 25 decks 10 decks
Kethis, the Hidden Hand
0.50% of 1997 decks 10 decks
Hofri Ghostforge
0.51% of 1750 decks 9 decks
Quintorius, Loremaster
0.43% of 2072 decks 9 decks
Esika, God of the Tree
0.04% of 19197 decks 8 decks
Jodah, Archmage Eternal
0.09% of 8024 decks 7 decks
Zethi, Arcane Blademaster
0.10% of 6123 decks 6 decks
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
0.03% of 15667 decks 5 decks
Cecily, Haunted Mage // Othelm, Sigardian Outcast
0.26% of 1940 decks 5 decks
New Cards
Accursed Duneyard
8% of 130 decks +7% synergy
Muraganda Raceway
2% of 132 decks +1% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Skyfire Kirin
66% of 296 decks +66% synergy
Bounteous Kirin
64% of 326 decks +64% synergy
Infernal Kirin
64% of 448 decks +64% synergy
Kodama of the South Tree
59% of 326 decks +59% synergy
Loam Dweller
59% of 326 decks +59% synergy
Elder Pine of Jukai
55% of 326 decks +55% synergy
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
54% of 751 decks +54% synergy
Drogskol Captain
53% of 402 decks +52% synergy
Petalmane Baku
50% of 326 decks +50% synergy
47% of 402 decks +47% synergy
Top Cards
Kodama's Reach
71% of 326 decks +41% synergy
Wear Away
47% of 326 decks +47% synergy
45% of 326 decks +45% synergy
Sire of the Storm
45% of 402 decks +45% synergy
Supreme Phantom
44% of 402 decks +44% synergy
Drogskol Reinforcements
44% of 751 decks +44% synergy
43% of 751 decks +43% synergy
Selfless Spirit
43% of 751 decks +39% synergy
Kura, the Boundless Sky
43% of 326 decks +41% synergy
Cloudhoof Kirin
43% of 402 decks +43% synergy
Game Changers
Smothering Tithe
12% of 751 decks -13% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
10% of 402 decks -16% synergy
Rhystic Study
8% of 402 decks -18% synergy
Demonic Tutor
5% of 448 decks -16% synergy
41% of 296 decks +41% synergy
Kami of False Hope
40% of 751 decks +40% synergy
Kodama of the Center Tree
40% of 326 decks +40% synergy
Junji, the Midnight Sky
39% of 448 decks +37% synergy
Iname, Life Aspect
38% of 326 decks +38% synergy
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
37% of 402 decks +37% synergy
Myojin of Life's Web
37% of 326 decks +37% synergy
Iname, Death Aspect
35% of 448 decks +35% synergy
Windborn Muse
34% of 751 decks +31% synergy
Thief of Hope
34% of 448 decks +34% synergy
Ryusei, the Falling Star
34% of 296 decks +33% synergy
33% of 326 decks +33% synergy
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
33% of 448 decks +33% synergy
Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr
33% of 751 decks +32% synergy
Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
33% of 296 decks +30% synergy
Iname as One
33% of 293 decks +33% synergy
Ao, the Dawn Sky
33% of 751 decks +32% synergy
He Who Hungers
31% of 448 decks +31% synergy
Kodama of the East Tree
30% of 326 decks +27% synergy
Kokusho, the Evening Star
29% of 448 decks +28% synergy
Keiga, the Tide Star
29% of 402 decks +28% synergy
Myojin of Blooming Dawn
29% of 751 decks +29% synergy
Clarion Spirit
29% of 751 decks +28% synergy
Jugan, the Rising Star
29% of 326 decks +28% synergy
Yosei, the Morning Star
28% of 751 decks +28% synergy
Guardian of Faith
28% of 751 decks +26% synergy
Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa
28% of 206 decks +26% synergy
Patrician Geist
27% of 402 decks +27% synergy
Horobi, Death's Wail
26% of 448 decks +26% synergy
Kairi, the Swirling Sky
26% of 402 decks +25% synergy
Millicent, Restless Revenant
25% of 402 decks +25% synergy
King of the Oathbreakers
25% of 421 decks +25% synergy
Karmic Guide
25% of 751 decks +20% synergy
Nebelgast Herald
24% of 402 decks +24% synergy
Remorseful Cleric
24% of 751 decks +23% synergy
Myojin of Cleansing Fire
24% of 751 decks +23% synergy
Skyclave Apparition
23% of 751 decks +20% synergy
Drogskol Cavalry
23% of 751 decks +23% synergy
Hana Kami
22% of 326 decks +22% synergy
The Unspeakable
22% of 402 decks +22% synergy
Myojin of Night's Reach
22% of 448 decks +22% synergy
Empyrean Eagle
22% of 402 decks +19% synergy
Angel of Flight Alabaster
22% of 751 decks +21% synergy
Ore Gorger
21% of 296 decks +21% synergy
Kami of Ancient Law
21% of 751 decks +21% synergy
Hanged Executioner
21% of 751 decks +20% synergy
Twilight Drover
20% of 751 decks +20% synergy
Thalisse, Reverent Medium
19% of 448 decks +17% synergy
Crypt Ghast
19% of 448 decks +14% synergy
O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
19% of 206 decks +16% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
38% of 751 decks -24% synergy
Rend Flesh
37% of 448 decks +37% synergy
Ethereal Haze
30% of 751 decks +29% synergy
Reach Through Mists
29% of 402 decks +29% synergy
Desperate Ritual
29% of 296 decks +26% synergy
Soulless Revival
28% of 448 decks +28% synergy
Blessed Breath
27% of 751 decks +27% synergy
Spiritual Visit
24% of 751 decks +24% synergy
Path to Exile
24% of 751 decks -23% synergy
Peer Through Depths
23% of 402 decks +23% synergy
23% of 402 decks -20% synergy
Death Denied
21% of 448 decks +21% synergy
21% of 402 decks +21% synergy
Sift Through Sands
20% of 402 decks +20% synergy
Release to Memory
19% of 751 decks +18% synergy
Aether Shockwave
19% of 751 decks +19% synergy
Consuming Vortex
17% of 402 decks +17% synergy
Horobi's Whisper
16% of 448 decks +16% synergy
Cauldron Haze
16% of 448 decks +16% synergy
Quiet Purity
16% of 751 decks +16% synergy
Veil of Secrecy
16% of 402 decks +16% synergy
Through the Breach
16% of 296 decks +16% synergy
Otherworldly Journey
16% of 751 decks +16% synergy
Rending Vines
16% of 326 decks +16% synergy
Glacial Ray
16% of 296 decks +16% synergy
16% of 296 decks +15% synergy
13% of 448 decks -2% synergy
Touch of Darkness
13% of 448 decks +13% synergy
Ire of Kaminari
13% of 296 decks +13% synergy
12% of 402 decks +12% synergy
Psychic Puppetry
12% of 402 decks +12% synergy
Generous Gift
11% of 751 decks -14% synergy
Devouring Rage
11% of 296 decks +11% synergy
Eerie Interlude
11% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Teferi's Protection
11% of 751 decks -9% synergy
Grisly Salvage
11% of 293 decks +5% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
10% of 448 decks -14% synergy
Arcane Denial
10% of 402 decks -10% synergy
Kodama's Might
10% of 326 decks +10% synergy
Hundred-Talon Strike
10% of 751 decks +10% synergy
Occult Epiphany
10% of 402 decks +10% synergy
10% of 751 decks +10% synergy
Blind with Anger
9% of 296 decks +9% synergy
9% of 402 decks -14% synergy
Goryo's Vengeance
9% of 448 decks +8% synergy
Benevolent Offering
9% of 751 decks +8% synergy
Murmurs from Beyond
8% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Disrupting Shoal
8% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Into the Fray
8% of 296 decks +8% synergy
Heaven's Gate
8% of 751 decks +8% synergy
Ribbons of the Reikai
40% of 402 decks +40% synergy
36% of 326 decks -9% synergy
29% of 326 decks -5% synergy
Rampant Growth
28% of 326 decks -6% synergy
Eerie Procession
27% of 402 decks +27% synergy
Devouring Greed
26% of 448 decks +26% synergy
Terashi's Grasp
24% of 751 decks +24% synergy
Distant Melody
20% of 402 decks +15% synergy
Nature's Lore
16% of 326 decks -15% synergy
Eerie Ultimatum
16% of 293 decks +4% synergy
16% of 751 decks +16% synergy
Lingering Souls
15% of 448 decks +14% synergy
Footsteps of the Goryo
15% of 448 decks +15% synergy
Crack the Earth
13% of 296 decks +13% synergy
Storm of Souls
13% of 751 decks +12% synergy
Austere Command
12% of 751 decks -0% synergy
Shadow Summoning
12% of 417 decks +12% synergy
Time of Need
12% of 326 decks +11% synergy
Three Visits
12% of 326 decks -13% synergy
Patriarch's Bidding
12% of 448 decks +9% synergy
Lava Spike
11% of 296 decks +11% synergy
11% of 448 decks -5% synergy
10% of 751 decks -3% synergy
Choice of Damnations
10% of 448 decks +10% synergy
Kindred Dominance
9% of 448 decks +5% synergy
Kirtar's Wrath
9% of 751 decks +9% synergy
Eye of Nowhere
9% of 402 decks +9% synergy
Ideas Unbound
9% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Living Death
9% of 448 decks +3% synergy
Explosive Vegetation
8% of 326 decks +5% synergy
Wrath of God
8% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Spectral Procession
8% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Petals of Insight
8% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Haunting Imitation
8% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Hour of Reckoning
8% of 751 decks +4% synergy
Skyshroud Claim
7% of 326 decks -2% synergy
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth
7% of 448 decks +3% synergy
Pact of the Serpent
6% of 448 decks +5% synergy
Buried Alive
6% of 448 decks +1% synergy
6% of 448 decks -5% synergy
Flood of Tears
6% of 402 decks +5% synergy
Spiraling Embers
6% of 296 decks +6% synergy
Blasphemous Act
6% of 296 decks -27% synergy
Supreme Verdict
6% of 402 decks -8% synergy
Jarad's Orders
6% of 293 decks +4% synergy
Terashi's Cry
5% of 751 decks +5% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Long-Forgotten Gohei
35% of 751 decks +35% synergy
Commander's Sphere
21% of 751 decks +6% synergy
Herald's Horn
20% of 751 decks +13% synergy
Andúril, Flame of the West
15% of 694 decks +15% synergy
Baku Altar
15% of 751 decks +15% synergy
Fist of Suns
15% of 206 decks +8% synergy
14% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
14% of 751 decks +10% synergy
Staff of the Storyteller
13% of 751 decks +12% synergy
Urza's Incubator
13% of 751 decks +9% synergy
Mind Stone
12% of 751 decks -5% synergy
Bident of Thassa
12% of 402 decks +5% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
10% of 751 decks +0% synergy
Azorius Locket
9% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Door of Destinies
8% of 751 decks +6% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
8% of 751 decks -20% synergy
That Which Was Taken
8% of 751 decks +8% synergy
Birthing Pod
6% of 326 decks +4% synergy
Coat of Arms
6% of 751 decks +4% synergy
Lightning Greaves
6% of 751 decks -19% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
6% of 751 decks -2% synergy
Pearl Medallion
5% of 751 decks +3% synergy
Idol of Oblivion
5% of 751 decks +1% synergy
The Kami War
42% of 206 decks +35% synergy
Breath of the Sleepless
27% of 402 decks +26% synergy
Haunted Library
21% of 751 decks +21% synergy
Field of Souls
21% of 751 decks +20% synergy
Reconnaissance Mission
18% of 402 decks +14% synergy
Ghostly Prison
18% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Abzan Ascendancy
16% of 293 decks +14% synergy
Kindred Discovery
16% of 402 decks +9% synergy
Leyline of Mutation
15% of 79 decks +10% synergy
Leyline of the Guildpact
15% of 153 decks -1% synergy
Intangible Virtue
14% of 751 decks +9% synergy
Imprisoned in the Moon
13% of 402 decks +9% synergy
Mirari's Wake
12% of 326 decks -1% synergy
Court of Grace
11% of 751 decks +8% synergy
Ethereal Absolution
11% of 448 decks +11% synergy
Honden of Life's Web
11% of 326 decks +11% synergy
Genju of the Realm
11% of 206 decks +11% synergy
Reflections of Littjara
11% of 402 decks +6% synergy
Sanctum of All
11% of 206 decks +6% synergy
Whirlwind of Thought
11% of 256 decks +1% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
10% of 448 decks -5% synergy
Spirit Bonds
10% of 751 decks +10% synergy
Kindred Boon
10% of 751 decks +9% synergy
Honden of Infinite Rage
10% of 296 decks +9% synergy
Anointed Procession
9% of 751 decks +1% synergy
Etchings of the Chosen
9% of 448 decks +6% synergy
Obscura Ascendancy
9% of 232 decks +9% synergy
Darksteel Mutation
8% of 751 decks +2% synergy
The Restoration of Eiganjo
8% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Promise of Bunrei
8% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Honden of Seeing Winds
7% of 402 decks +7% synergy
Greater Good
7% of 326 decks +2% synergy
Inspiring Leader
7% of 751 decks +5% synergy
Muster the Departed
7% of 363 decks +6% synergy
Rally the Ranks
6% of 751 decks +5% synergy
Jugan Defends the Temple
6% of 326 decks +5% synergy
Flowering of the White Tree
6% of 698 decks +1% synergy
Cathars' Crusade
6% of 751 decks +0% synergy
Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest
6% of 326 decks +5% synergy
Honden of Night's Reach
6% of 448 decks +5% synergy
Ripples of Undeath
6% of 228 decks +1% synergy
Death's Oasis
5% of 293 decks +5% synergy
Folk Hero
5% of 751 decks +4% synergy
Invasion of Tolvada
12% of 447 decks +11% synergy
Kaya the Inexorable
9% of 448 decks +7% synergy
Kaya, Geist Hunter
8% of 448 decks +6% synergy
Utility Lands
Reliquary Tower
21% of 751 decks -9% synergy
Moorland Haunt
20% of 402 decks +19% synergy
Bojuka Bog
19% of 448 decks -11% synergy
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
15% of 296 decks +11% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
15% of 326 decks -4% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
14% of 448 decks +3% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
12% of 402 decks -4% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
11% of 448 decks +2% synergy
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
10% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Temple of the False God
10% of 751 decks -0% synergy
Windbrisk Heights
9% of 751 decks +4% synergy
Three Tree City
8% of 334 decks +3% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
8% of 448 decks +3% synergy
Minas Tirith
7% of 699 decks -0% synergy
Cascading Cataracts
7% of 751 decks +5% synergy
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
6% of 326 decks +5% synergy
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep
6% of 296 decks +4% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
6% of 751 decks -4% synergy
Phyrexian Tower
5% of 448 decks -3% synergy
Mystic Sanctuary
5% of 402 decks -6% synergy
Emeria, the Sky Ruin
5% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Secluded Steppe
5% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Rogue's Passage
5% of 751 decks -15% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
71% of 751 decks -14% synergy
Arcane Signet
63% of 751 decks -9% synergy
Azorius Signet
24% of 402 decks -1% synergy
Orzhov Signet
22% of 448 decks -5% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
17% of 448 decks -8% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
17% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Fellwar Stone
14% of 751 decks -7% synergy
Patchwork Banner
13% of 332 decks +8% synergy
Séance Board
13% of 267 decks +12% synergy
Talisman of Progress
12% of 402 decks -12% synergy
Timeless Lotus
12% of 206 decks -0% synergy
Marble Diamond
11% of 751 decks +7% synergy
Sky Diamond
9% of 402 decks +4% synergy
Boros Signet
8% of 296 decks -14% synergy
Thought Vessel
8% of 751 decks -9% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
6% of 296 decks -17% synergy
Haunted Screen
6% of 79 decks +4% synergy
Midnight Clock
6% of 402 decks +1% synergy
Selesnya Signet
6% of 326 decks -3% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
5% of 232 decks -27% synergy
Golgari Signet
5% of 293 decks -7% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
5% of 256 decks -24% synergy
Command Tower
68% of 751 decks -6% synergy
Path of Ancestry
43% of 751 decks +21% synergy
Exotic Orchard
35% of 751 decks -1% synergy
Prairie Stream
32% of 402 decks -2% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
31% of 293 decks +6% synergy
Mystic Monastery
28% of 256 decks +1% synergy
Seaside Citadel
27% of 226 decks +1% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
27% of 402 decks -13% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
26% of 232 decks -2% synergy
Godless Shrine
26% of 448 decks -14% synergy
Jungle Shrine
26% of 215 decks -7% synergy
Indatha Triome
25% of 293 decks -5% synergy
Glacial Fortress
25% of 402 decks -2% synergy
Temple Garden
24% of 326 decks -15% synergy
Port Town
24% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
23% of 293 decks -19% synergy
Opulent Palace
23% of 208 decks -4% synergy
Azorius Chancery
23% of 402 decks +8% synergy
Caves of Koilos
23% of 448 decks -6% synergy
Raugrin Triome
23% of 256 decks -3% synergy
Evolving Wilds
23% of 751 decks +2% synergy
Unclaimed Territory
22% of 751 decks +17% synergy
Savai Triome
22% of 213 decks -5% synergy
Myriad Landscape
22% of 751 decks +3% synergy
Isolated Chapel
21% of 448 decks -8% synergy
The World Tree
21% of 206 decks -11% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
21% of 226 decks -9% synergy
Ketria Triome
21% of 209 decks -11% synergy
Temple of Enlightenment
21% of 402 decks +4% synergy
Zagoth Triome
21% of 208 decks -9% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
20% of 209 decks -8% synergy
Jetmir's Garden
20% of 215 decks -12% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
19% of 208 decks -12% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
19% of 206 decks -11% synergy
Nomad Outpost
19% of 213 decks -9% synergy
Skycloud Expanse
19% of 402 decks +6% synergy
Canopy Vista
18% of 326 decks -18% synergy
Steam Vents
18% of 256 decks -20% synergy
Breeding Pool
18% of 226 decks -22% synergy
Savage Lands
17% of 206 decks -6% synergy
Raffine's Tower
17% of 232 decks -9% synergy
Orzhov Basilica
17% of 448 decks +1% synergy
Temple of Silence
17% of 448 decks -1% synergy
Tainted Field
17% of 448 decks +3% synergy
Watery Grave
16% of 232 decks -24% synergy
Sacred Foundry
16% of 296 decks -19% synergy
Xander's Lounge
16% of 208 decks -10% synergy
Stomping Ground
15% of 215 decks -25% synergy
Secluded Courtyard
15% of 751 decks +11% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
15% of 751 decks -0% synergy