Aragorn, Company Leader (Commander) - Budget Legends
Aragorn, Company Leader
2 decks (0.000%)
Rank #1790

Jul 8, 2024
Under the Radar - Aragorn, Company Leader
Build a counters deck with this lesser-spotted Aragorn commander!
Deck Filters
Galadhrim Guide
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Lothlórien Lookout
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Mirrormere Guardian
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Errand-Rider of Gondor
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Stalwarts of Osgiliath
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Enraged Huorn
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Bag End Porter
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Took Reaper
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Dúnedain Rangers
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Protector of Gondor
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Mirkwood Spider
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Nimble Hobbit
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Westfold Rider
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Faramir, Field Commander
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Brandywine Farmer
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Shire Shirriff
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Wose Pathfinder
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Eastfarthing Farmer
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Generous Ent
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Frodo Baggins
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Samwise the Stouthearted
100% of 2 decks
+98% synergy
Arwen, Mortal Queen
100% of 2 decks
+98% synergy
Bill the Pony
100% of 2 decks
+98% synergy
Meriadoc Brandybuck
100% of 2 decks
+98% synergy
Peregrin Took
100% of 2 decks
+95% synergy
Rosie Cotton of South Lane
100% of 2 decks
+91% synergy
Chance-Met Elves
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Shire Scarecrow
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Celeborn the Wise
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Esquire of the King
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Landroval, Horizon Witness
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Mushroom Watchdogs
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Saradoc, Master of Buckland
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Legolas, Master Archer
50% of 2 decks
+49% synergy
Samwise Gamgee
50% of 2 decks
+48% synergy
Elanor Gardner
50% of 2 decks
+48% synergy
Treebeard, Gracious Host
50% of 2 decks
+48% synergy
Sam, Loyal Attendant
50% of 2 decks
+47% synergy
Boromir, Warden of the Tower
50% of 2 decks
+43% synergy
Delighted Halfling
50% of 2 decks
+41% synergy
Llanowar Elves
50% of 2 decks
+23% synergy
You Cannot Pass!
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Pippin's Bravery
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Bombadil's Song
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Second Breakfast
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Shower of Arrows
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Slip On the Ring
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Hobbit's Sting
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Escape from Orthanc
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Lost to Legend
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Stew the Coneys
50% of 2 decks
+49% synergy
Entish Restoration
50% of 2 decks
+46% synergy
50% of 2 decks
+44% synergy
Banish from Edoras
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Elven Farsight
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Many Partings
100% of 2 decks
+97% synergy
Ent's Fury
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
The Ring Goes South
50% of 2 decks
+49% synergy
Revive the Shire
50% of 2 decks
+48% synergy
50% of 2 decks
+35% synergy
50% of 2 decks
+29% synergy
Austere Command
50% of 2 decks
+29% synergy
50% of 2 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Dúnedain Blade
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Galadhrim Bow
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Mirror of Galadriel
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Mithril Coat
50% of 2 decks
+46% synergy
Mind Stone
50% of 2 decks
+46% synergy
Shortcut to Mushrooms
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Tale of Tinúviel
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Fog on the Barrow-Downs
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Long List of the Ents
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Elven Chorus
50% of 2 decks
+45% synergy
Flowering of the White Tree
50% of 2 decks
+42% synergy
Utility Lands
Great Hall of the Citadel
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
Mishra's Factory
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Minas Tirith
50% of 2 decks
+40% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Inherited Envelope
100% of 2 decks
+100% synergy
Phial of Galadriel
50% of 2 decks
+50% synergy
Sol Ring
50% of 2 decks
-26% synergy
Shire Terrace
100% of 2 decks
+99% synergy
The Grey Havens
50% of 2 decks
+49% synergy
Graypelt Refuge
50% of 2 decks
+39% synergy
Path of Ancestry
50% of 2 decks
+30% synergy
Sunpetal Grove
50% of 2 decks
+3% synergy
Canopy Vista
50% of 2 decks
-17% synergy
Command Tower
50% of 2 decks
-33% synergy