The Fourteenth Doctor (Pairings)

Ciel Collins
Retrospective Reviews - Signature Spellbooks
Remember Signature Spellbooks? What were they, and why did they stop making them? Find out in this edition of Retrospective Review.
Rose Noble
786 decks
Clara Oswald
671 decks
K-9, Mark I
97 decks
Vislor Turlough
83 decks
Sarah Jane Smith
51 decks
Donna Noble
36 decks
Susan Foreman
29 decks
Adric, Mathematical Genius
27 decks
Jo Grant
22 decks
Rose Tyler
11 decks
Ian Chesterton
9 decks
Yasmin Khan
9 decks
Peri Brown
8 decks
Jamie McCrimmon
7 decks
Ryan Sinclair
6 decks
Dan Lewis
5 decks
Romana II
4 decks
Nardole, Resourceful Cyborg
4 decks
Amy Pond
3 decks
Nyssa of Traken
2 decks
Bill Potts
2 decks
Tegan Jovanka
2 decks
Barbara Wright
1 decks
Martha Jones
1 decks
Graham O'Brien
1 decks