Bernardo Melibeu
Epic Experiment - Valduk Vehicles
Valduk wants to switch things up, so let's go for a drive!
Deep Analysis - Tokens
Learning more about token decks, and how best to populate them!
Epic Experiment - Extus, Oriq Overlord
He's attacking Strixhaven, but he needs a whole new toolkit to do it!
Deep Analysis - Discard
Learning from the EDH Wiki: this week, Bernardo's highlighting lessons learned from the Discard Theme page.
Epic Experiment - Esika Piñata
Want to try something unconventional with Esika? Come cross the Bridge!
Deep Analysis - Artifacts
Interested in artifacts? This primer should help get you started!
Kaldheim Set Review - Sagas
Kaldheim introduces the first multicolored Sagas! Which ones will see play?