(Pathmaker InitiatePathmaker Initiate | Art by Josu Hernaiz)
A True Two-Fer!
Greetings sleuths, saboteurs, and skulkers! Welcome to another installment of Evasive Maneuvers, where we examine keywords and strategies that help get our creatures through during combat.
We're ditching the rulebook on this one and breaking a bit outside of tradition, where we'll be looking at conditional evasion, particularly as it relates to the power value of 2 (e.g. a 2/2).
Now I know what you're thinking: "Dude, that's not even a keyword." Fair 'nuff — you caught me. But as I hope to convince you down below, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) seems to be leaning on this form of evasion more and more despite not having a keyword for it. To ignore it would be to put our heads in the proverbial sand, and no one wants to see ole' Dune-Brood NephilimDune-Brood Nephilim when they pop out.
So without further ado, let's dive into the power of two!
Good Things Come in Pairs
While a 2-power creature (e.g. Grizzly BearsGrizzly Bears) can threaten 10% (2/20*100) of an opponent's life total in one-versus-one player formats (e.g. Modern, Standard), the same Grizzly BearsGrizzly Bears only threatens 5% (2/40*100) of one opponent's life total, or 1.67% (2/120*100) of all three opponent's life totals in Commander. But that's not to say that chip damage isn't important. For one, get your chip-ins! Forty life points is a hefty cushion to leverage with advantages like Ancient TombAncient Tomb, Sylvan LibrarySylvan Library, NecrologiaNecrologia, or Bolas's CitadelBolas's Citadel, so never discredit the impact your Ursus arctos horribilis can have!
Second, the scalability of 2-power creatures in Commander may seem underwhelming, but we can't be so easily duped. Many a seasoned Commander player has seen the power with which Alesha, who Smiles at DeathAlesha, who Smiles at Death, Ezuri, Claw of ProgressEzuri, Claw of Progress, or Grenzo, Dungeon WardenGrenzo, Dungeon Warden can muster forces, assemble combos, and force interaction all with creatures power 2 or less.
As it turns out, conditional evasion for creatures with power 2 or less has been around since nearly Magic's inception. Tawnos's WandTawnos's Wand (1994) and Runed ArchRuned Arch (1995) were some of the early cards to enable this, followed by a number of red cards including Dwarven NomadDwarven Nomad (1996), Dwarven WarriorsDwarven Warriors (1997), and Hearth CharmHearth Charm (1997).
This was followed by some random blue cards here and there that granted similar effects, such as Crafty PathmageCrafty Pathmage (2002), Soratami Mirror-GuardSoratami Mirror-Guard (2004), and Writ of PassageWrit of Passage (2006) before returning back to a red-centric printing of cards like Break through the LineBreak through the Line (2015), Subterranean ScoutSubterranean Scout (2015), Goblin TunnelerGoblin Tunneler (2010), Pathmaker InitiatePathmaker Initiate (2018), Goblin SmugglerGoblin Smuggler (2019), Sneaking GuideSneaking Guide (2020), and the best of 'em all: Subira, Tulzidi CaravannerSubira, Tulzidi Caravanner (2020).
There's a good ~60 cards or so that care about creatures with power 2 or less, but only about half of those really deal with power 2 in an evasive manner. Interestingly, about 16 of those grant evasion to smaller creatures like the cards listed above.
What about the rest, you may ask? Well, let's just say they are technically evasive, but not entirely great...
"We Really Need a Two Here..."
A golfer sweating in their slacks for going double bogey on the last hole hears their caddy nervously whisper: "Uh, we really need a two here on this hole." Aiming for less, it turns out, isn't always easy.
Which brings us to the other side to this "power of 2" evasion equation. While we just saw that there are quite a few cards that grant evasion to creatures with power 2 or less, there exists a small number (n = 17) of other cards that are evasive against creatures with power 2 or less.
Whereas the cards above are predominately red, these are predominately green (82%), such as your Questing BeastQuesting Beast, Ravenous SlimeRavenous Slime, or Greater SandwurmGreater Sandwurms, followed by colorless (17%), such as your Scuttling Doom EngineScuttling Doom Engine, Gate ColossusGate Colossus, or Demolition StomperDemolition Stomper. These creatures huddle around ~4 power (mean = 4.35, median = 4, mode = 4) and essentially negate the effectiveness of chump blocking, where small indispensable 1/1s or even 2/2s will throw themselves in harm's way as blockers to prevent incoming damage.
Building around this strategy isn't entirely easy, though, as it can be tricky to modulate what your opponents' blockers are. Looking at the top 100 creatures and commanders on EDHREC, we see they tend cluster to the following power values:
While your Scuttling Doom EngineScuttling Doom Engine may get by most of the popular creatures, it might run into trouble against most commanders. Further, commanders are a bit harder to really pin down, since your Abomination of LlanowarAbomination of Llanowar or Akiri, Line SlingerAkiri, Line Slinger isn't likely staying small in power for long. With commander damage being something unique to our format, I think plenty of commanders out there may have a misleading base power and toughness, so don't get your hopes too high about your Greater SandwurmGreater Sandwurm getting through.
Sure, if you can get your Vedalken HumiliatorVedalken Humiliator to trigger, or perhaps cast Polymorphist's JestPolymorphist's Jest or resolve the pip-intensive Godhead of AweGodhead of Awe then your Outland BoarOutland Boar-variant will become unblockable. But at the end of the day, that's a lot of set-up just to get in with your Outland BoarOutland Boar.
Until there's possibly more support for this, I think there are just better options (e.g. Trample).
Two for Tuesdays
Let's double back to our earlier look at building around creatures with power 2 or less in an evasive manner. Since we're all about the number 2 this installment, I think we'd be doing a disservice if we didn't run Partner commanders. For this list, we'll look to none other than Sidar Kondo of JamuraaSidar Kondo of Jamuraa Partnered with Tana, the BloodsowerTana, the Bloodsower
Like many Partner combinations, you want to focus on one Partner more than the other. We'll be leaning heavily into Sidar Kondo of JamuraaSidar Kondo of Jamuraa here and using Tana, the BloodsowerTana, the Bloodsower primarily as a value piece. Yes, Tana, the BloodsowerTana, the Bloodsower is typically a commander whose power you want to beef up, as more power translates into more Saprolings, but, for our purposes, we're just fine leaving her as she is, as we are more interested in going wide than tall, and she'll be evasive with our Sidar Kondo of JamuraaSidar Kondo of Jamuraa, and synergize with many of our other power 2 or less payoffs. Even just a steady stream of two Saprolings every combat will do us just fine.
What we really care about is that Sidar Kondo of JamuraaSidar Kondo of Jamuraa pseudo-Skulk ability. As we've seen with having Sun Quan, Lord of WuSun Quan, Lord of Wu or Stonebrow Krosan HeroStonebrow Krosan Hero, having evasion in the command zone to bring out at a moment's notice can be particularly potent, which raises the question: just who is he granting evasion to? Who are 'the bears', so to speak?
We're sporting a large creature package (33) with nearly every single one having power 2 or less. Since we have comparatively weaker creatures, we can lean into some parity-breaking effects like MeekstoneMeekstone, as well as include a hatebears subtheme (e.g. Gaddock TeegGaddock Teeg) to slow down our opponents.
Sidar and Tana: Ruby TWOsdays
View on ArchidektCommander (2)
- 1 Sidar Kondo of JamuraaSidar Kondo of Jamuraa
- 1 Tana, the BloodsowerTana, the Bloodsower
Creatures (33)
- 1 Archon of EmeriaArchon of Emeria
- 1 Avacyn's PilgrimAvacyn's Pilgrim
- 1 Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor
- 1 Beast WhispererBeast Whisperer
- 1 Collector OupheCollector Ouphe
- 1 Elvish MysticElvish Mystic
- 1 Eternal WitnessEternal Witness
- 1 Gaddock TeegGaddock Teeg
- 1 Grand Warlord RadhaGrand Warlord Radha
- 1 Grenzo, Havoc RaiserGrenzo, Havoc Raiser
- 1 Hanweir GarrisonHanweir Garrison
- 1 HushbringerHushbringer
- 1 Hushwing GryffHushwing Gryff
- 1 Imperial RecruiterImperial Recruiter
- 1 Kinjalli's SunwingKinjalli's Sunwing
- 1 Legion WarbossLegion Warboss
- 1 Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves
- 1 Loyal ApprenticeLoyal Apprentice
- 1 ManglehornManglehorn
- 1 Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek
- 1 Mirror EntityMirror Entity
- 1 Oakhame AdversaryOakhame Adversary
- 1 Ohran FrostfangOhran Frostfang
- 1 Radha, Heir to KeldRadha, Heir to Keld
- 1 Recruiter of the GuardRecruiter of the Guard
- 1 Remorseful ClericRemorseful Cleric
- 1 Rhys the RedeemedRhys the Redeemed
- 1 Robber of the RichRobber of the Rich
- 1 Runic ArmasaurRunic Armasaur
- 1 Selfless SpiritSelfless Spirit
- 1 Subira, Tulzidi CaravannerSubira, Tulzidi Caravanner
- 1 Tocatli Honor GuardTocatli Honor Guard
- 1 Toski, Bearer of SecretsToski, Bearer of Secrets
Planeswalkers (1)
- 1 Huatli, Radiant ChampionHuatli, Radiant Champion
Enchantments (8)
- 1 Aggravated AssaultAggravated Assault
- 1 Break Through the LineBreak Through the Line
- 1 Breath of FuryBreath of Fury
- 1 Cavalcade of CalamityCavalcade of Calamity
- 1 Guardian ProjectGuardian Project
- 1 Raid BombardmentRaid Bombardment
- 1 Rhythm of the WildRhythm of the Wild
- 1 Wild PairWild Pair
Sorceries (6)
- 1 Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act
- 1 Dusk // DawnDusk // Dawn
- 1 Fell the MightyFell the Mighty
- 1 HarmonizeHarmonize
- 1 Retribution of the MeekRetribution of the Meek
- 1 Three VisitsThree Visits
Instants (10)
- 1 Artifact MutationArtifact Mutation
- 1 Aura MutationAura Mutation
- 1 Beast WithinBeast Within
- 1 Chaos WarpChaos Warp
- 1 Flawless ManeuverFlawless Maneuver
- 1 Generous GiftGenerous Gift
- 1 Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention
- 1 Nature's ClaimNature's Claim
- 1 Naya CharmNaya Charm
- 1 Rootborn DefensesRootborn Defenses
Artifacts (3)
- 1 MeekstoneMeekstone
- 1 Sol RingSol Ring
- 1 Tome of LegendsTome of Legends
Lands (37)
- 1 Bountiful PromenadeBountiful Promenade
- 1 BrushlandBrushland
- 1 City of BrassCity of Brass
- 1 Clifftop RetreatClifftop Retreat
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Exotic OrchardExotic Orchard
- 1 Fabled PassageFabled Passage
- 7 ForestForest
- 1 Grove of the BurnwillowsGrove of the Burnwillows
- 1 Jungle ShrineJungle Shrine
- 1 Karplusan ForestKarplusan Forest
- 1 Mana ConfluenceMana Confluence
- 6 MountainMountain
- 6 PlainsPlains
- 1 Rootbound CragRootbound Crag
- 1 Sacred FoundrySacred Foundry
- 1 Spectator SeatingSpectator Seating
- 1 Spire GardenSpire Garden
- 1 Stomping GroundStomping Ground
- 1 Sunpetal GroveSunpetal Grove
- 1 Temple GardenTemple Garden
Actually, the Best Things Come in Pairs!
Which brings us to one card I've been trying to get to work for a long time, and I think this is the perfect deck for it: Wild PairWild Pair
Wild PairWild Pair benefits you by letting you tutor out creatures if they match the total power and toughness values of the creature you just cast. Similar to Birthing PodBirthing Pod-style builds, this card shines brightest when your deck is constructed in a deliberate and specific way to leverage the toolbox potential of chaining creatures together. Seeing play in 2,964 decks (1% inclusion rate), we see it crop up predominately in tribal builds, like Sliver QueenSliver Queen (437 decks, 27.08%), Atarka, World RenderAtarka, World Render (46 decks, 15.70%), and Ayula, Queen Among BearsAyula, Queen Among Bears (128 decks, 10.52%).
While we aren't doing a tribal build, our emphasis on power 2 or less means that most of our creatures can search out one another. Here's a list of potential pairings for Wild PairWild Pair in our build. In essence, casting any creature within that category can go fetch out another from the same category:
Wild Pair pairs
View on Archidekt- 1 [Total Power + Toughness = 2][Total Power + Toughness = 2]
- 1 Avacyn's PilgrimAvacyn's Pilgrim
- 1 Elvish MysticElvish Mystic
- 1 Imperial RecruiterImperial Recruiter
- 1 Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves
- 1 Mirror EntityMirror Entity
- 1 Recruiter of the GuardRecruiter of the Guard
- 1 Rhys the RedeemedRhys the Redeemed
- 1 Toski, Bearer of SecretsToski, Bearer of Secrets
- 1 [Total Power + Toughness = 3][Total Power + Toughness = 3]
- 1 Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor
- 1 Eternal WitnessEternal Witness
- 1 HushbringerHushbringer
- 1 Hushwing GryffHushwing Gryff
- 1 Loyal ApprenticeLoyal Apprentice
- 1 Remorseful ClericRemorseful Cleric
- 1 Selfless SpiritSelfless Spirit
- 1 [Total Power + Toughness = 4][Total Power + Toughness = 4]
- 1 Collector OupheCollector Ouphe
- 1 Gaddock TeegGaddock Teeg
- 1 Grenzo, Havoc RaiserGrenzo, Havoc Raiser
- 1 Legion WarbossLegion Warboss
- 1 ManglehornManglehorn
- 1 Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek
- 1 Radha, Heir to KeldRadha, Heir to Keld
- 1 Robber of the RichRobber of the Rich
- 1 Tocatli Honor GuardTocatli Honor Guard
- 1 [Total Power + Toughness = 5][Total Power + Toughness = 5]
- 1 Archon of EmeriaArchon of Emeria
- 1 Beast WhispererBeast Whisperer
- 1 Hanweir GarrisonHanweir Garrison
- 1 Kinjalli's SunwingKinjalli's Sunwing
- 1 Oakhame AdversaryOakhame Adversary
- 1 Subira, Tulzidi CaravannerSubira, Tulzidi Caravanner
- 1 [Total Power + Toughness = 7][Total Power + Toughness = 7]
- 1 Grand Warlord RadhaGrand Warlord Radha
- 1 Runic ArmasaurRunic Armasaur
Overall, I like how Wild PairWild Pair lends a toolboxy sub-theme to an otherwise aggressive deck. We can cast a Hanweir GarrisonHanweir Garrison and grab our Beast WhispererBeast Whisperer if we need draw, or maybe Kinjalli's SunwingKinjalli's Sunwing if we need to slow down our opponents. Or maybe create even more complex chains like casting Recruiter of the GuardRecruiter of the Guard, which can tutor for a number of juicy targets, and then can fetch out Imperial RecruiterImperial Recruiter with the Wild PairWild Pair trigger. Imperial RecruiterImperial Recruiter won't trigger Wild PairWild Pair again, since it wasn't cast from our hand, but it will search up another creature due to its ability being an enter-the-battlefield trigger. For 3 mana, we get two bodies on the battlefield and another two in our hand!
Adieu to the Deux
That wraps up our look at the power of 2 (or less!) in Commander, particularly as it relates to evasion. At first glance, creatures with power that can remove only 1.67% of your cumulative opponents' life total may seem lackluster, but they can have some neat triggers, effects, and synergies that make them punch above their weight class.
What do y'all think? Are you intrigued by this non-keyworded form of evasion? Do you like that it's predominately found in red? Do you play a deck with a power restriction (e.g. Alesha, who Smiles at DeathAlesha, who Smiles at Death) and find it enjoyable? Sound off in the comments below!
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