Gilder Bairn art by Nils Hamm
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Today on Low Market we stray slightly from the path of pure-blooded Commander. I love Commander in all – well, most – of its expressions, and I am nothing if not equitable. Today, we turn our budget deckbuilding eye to Pauper Commander!
The Princess and the Pauper
Those who make their home on Magic Online are likely familiar with the constructed format known as Pauper, where decks are restricted to cards that have been printed at common. Pauper Commander, unsurprisingly, applies this concept to EDH: take an uncommon creature as your commander, then build a deck of 99 commons. Therefore it follows that I would highlight Pauper Commander (herein shortened to "PDH") in a budget deck series: with little exception, they are cheap as dirt to construct. My PDH decks are valued between $15.00 and $30.00 going by the market price of the cards, but in reality, they cost me pennies to make, since I can raid commons from my collection, my friends' collections, or my local game store.
Before we proceed to all of the wonderful deckbuilding, a few notes about PDH mechanics: while there is no central authority to dictate rules and banlists, life totals are often set to 30 or 35, with lethal commander damage at 15 or 18. If you and your friends find commanders or cards to be unfun, I highly suggest discussing bans within your local meta game as I've done. Finally, PDH is best played as a 1v1 format, since multiplayer often turns grindy and boardstatey.
Enough of the dry stuff! We have two, count 'em, two decks for you today. First up, my pet commander, Gilder BairnGilder Bairn!
Paint It Gold
It's Gilder BairnGilder Bairn, a.k.a. Vorel of the Hull Clade's awkward (but adorable!) little sibling. We're doubling counters on all kinds of permanents, and finding methods of tapping Gilder BairnGilder Bairn in order to use its ability. This can involve attacking, but more often we'll grant Gilder BairnGilder Bairn a tap ability or tap it as part of a cost. Presence of GondPresence of Gond and Viridian LongbowViridian Longbow each provide powerful tap abilities. Springleaf DrumSpringleaf Drum, Holdout SettlementHoldout Settlement, and Loam DryadLoam Dryad all do precisely the same thing – generating colored mana by tapping a creature – and are all equally playable in this deck.
This deck most often takes a midrange 'go-tall' approach to victory: double the counters on Battering KrasisBattering Krasis enough times and you'll kill whatever you hit. Token producers that rely on counters, like ThallidThallid and friends, provide options for going wide, and make our win conditions less susceptible to targeted removal. (With so few boardwipes in PDH, a token swarn can be very hard to deal with.)
To my knowledge, there is at least one infinite combo possible with Gilder BairnGilder Bairn, which I like having around for when one arbitrarily-large creature doesn't quite cut it. All we need is our commander, a tap ability on it, Pentad PrismPentad Prism, and time. Once we have seven or more counters on the Prism, we remove three charge counters, tap Gilder BairnGilder Bairn with whatever ability we gave it, untap it to double the counters on Pentad PrismPentad Prism, and repeat. This always results in infinite mana and any number of counters on any permanent, with other possibilities depending upon the tap abilities we have access to. Viridian LongbowViridian Longbow, for example, will end the game with infinite damage.
Checking Out - Gilder Bairn
Gilder Bairn PDH
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Gilder BairnGilder Bairn
Creatures (18)
- 1 Ambush ViperAmbush Viper
- 1 Cloudfin RaptorCloudfin Raptor
- 1 Drift of PhantasmsDrift of Phantasms
- 1 Elgaud ShieldmateElgaud Shieldmate
- 1 FertilidFertilid
- 1 Helium SquirterHelium Squirter
- 1 Loam DryadLoam Dryad
- 1 Mold ShamblerMold Shambler
- 1 Neurok InvisimancerNeurok Invisimancer
- 1 ShamblesharkShambleshark
- 1 Sporeback TrollSporeback Troll
- 1 ThallidThallid
- 1 Thallid Shell-DwellerThallid Shell-Dweller
- 1 Trinket MageTrinket Mage
- 1 Vigean HydroponVigean Hydropon
- 1 Vitaspore ThallidVitaspore Thallid
- 1 Wickerbough ElderWickerbough Elder
- 1 Winged CoatlWinged Coatl
Artifacts (7)
- 1 Courier's CapsuleCourier's Capsule
- 1 Expedition MapExpedition Map
- 1 Pentad PrismPentad Prism
- 1 Simic SignetSimic Signet
- 1 Springleaf DrumSpringleaf Drum
- 1 Viridian LongbowViridian Longbow
- 1 Whispersilk CloakWhispersilk Cloak
Enchantments (10)
- 1 Aqueous FormAqueous Form
- 1 Diplomatic ImmunityDiplomatic Immunity
- 1 Eel UmbraEel Umbra
- 1 Font of FortunesFont of Fortunes
- 1 Karametra's FavorKarametra's Favor
- 1 Presence of GondPresence of Gond
- 1 Psionic GiftPsionic Gift
- 1 Shielding PlaxShielding Plax
- 1 Snake UmbraSnake Umbra
- 1 Utopia VowUtopia Vow
Instants (19)
- 1 Arcane DenialArcane Denial
- 1 Banishing KnackBanishing Knack
- 1 BioshiftBioshift
- 1 BrainstormBrainstorm
- 1 Counterspell (EMA)Counterspell (EMA)
- 1 Crop RotationCrop Rotation
- 1 Dizzy SpellDizzy Spell
- 1 Evolution CharmEvolution Charm
- 1 Into the RoilInto the Roil
- 1 Keep WatchKeep Watch
- 1 Muddle the MixtureMuddle the Mixture
- 1 Mutant's PreyMutant's Prey
- 1 Pulse of MurasaPulse of Murasa
- 1 Rabid BiteRabid Bite
- 1 Retraction HelixRetraction Helix
- 1 RootgrappleRootgrapple
- 1 SnakeformSnakeform
- 1 Think TwiceThink Twice
- 1 Unnatural AggressionUnnatural Aggression
Sorceries (9)
- 1 Artful DodgeArtful Dodge
- 1 Elven CacheElven Cache
- 1 Fade into AntiquityFade into Antiquity
- 1 ForeseeForesee
- 1 GhostformGhostform
- 1 Hunt the WeakHunt the Weak
- 1 Ponder (M12)Ponder (M12)
- 1 Preordain (M11)Preordain (M11)
- 1 Prey UponPrey Upon
Lands (36)
- 1 Halimar DepthsHalimar Depths
- 1 Haunted FengrafHaunted Fengraf
- 1 Holdout SettlementHoldout Settlement
- 1 Lonely SandbarLonely Sandbar
- 1 Opal PalaceOpal Palace
- 1 Remote IsleRemote Isle
- 1 Simic Growth ChamberSimic Growth Chamber
- 1 Simic GuildgateSimic Guildgate
- 1 Slippery KarstSlippery Karst
- 1 Soaring SeacliffSoaring Seacliff
- 1 Thornwood FallsThornwood Falls
- 1 Tranquil ThicketTranquil Thicket
- 12 IslandIsland
- 12 ForestForest
But Wait, There's More!
I've always wanted to say that in this column. Our Gilder BairnGilder Bairn deck checks out at a clean $30.00, but this woldn't be a Pauper Commander Double Feature without double the deck! Moving right along, it's mono-white sacrifice, uh, self-mill, erm, Eldrazi tribal tokens, with Extricator of SinExtricator of Sin / Extricator of FleshExtricator of Flesh?
Extricator of Sin // Extricator of Flesh art by Craig J. Spearing
Yes, You Heard Me Right
Mono-white sacrifice self-mill Eldrazi tribal tokens. Extricator of FleshExtricator of Flesh né Sin demonstrates another reason why I love Pauper Commander: there are so many uncommons with strategies that are both a.) interesting, and b.) nonexistent on the legendary creatures we use in Commander. Extricator asks a lot out of our deck, including things such as:
- Permanents to sacrifice to its enter-the-battlefield (ETB) ability (to achieve Delirium).
- Whatever self-mill effects we can muster (to achieve Delirium).
- Creatures to sacrifice to its back side's tap ability.
- Eldrazi to take advantage of being granted vigilance.
- Methods of using our graveyard once Delirium is turned on.
There are regrettably (but understandably) few cards that can self-mill in mono-white: Ghoulcaller's BellGhoulcaller's Bell, Shard of Broken GlassShard of Broken Glass, and ShriekhornShriekhorn. I don't see this as too great a loss since we will get much more mileage out of sacrificing permanents, whether it's as a cost for a spell (e.g. Angelic PurgeAngelic Purge) or to a permanent's own activation (e.g. Dispeller's CapsuleDispeller's Capsule).
Artifact and enchantment creatures live at a useful intersection, as they can be sacrificed to either side's ability, and when in your graveyard, they count as two card types towards Delirium. My personal favorites include Runed ServitorRuned Servitor, Myr SireMyr Sire, and Hopeful EidolonHopeful Eidolon. Some token producers like Icatian CrierIcatian Crier and Cenn's EnlistmentCenn's Enlistment pull a different kind of double-duty, by producing tokens to sacrifice to Extricator of FleshExtricator of Flesh, in a manner that helps Extricator of SinExtricator of Sin to transform.
Last but most certainly not least, I want to include a selection of big ole Eldrazi creatures. Cards like Ulamog's CrusherUlamog's Crusher and Ruin ProcessorRuin Processor are among the largest creatures available to us in Pauper Commander; giving them vigilance is icing on the cake.
Checking Out - Extricator of Sin
Extricator of Sin PDH
View on ArchidektCommander (2)
- 1 Extricator of SinExtricator of Sin
- 1 Extricator of FleshExtricator of Flesh
Creatures (29)
- 1 Anointer PriestAnointer Priest
- 1 Auriok ReplicaAuriok Replica
- 1 CathodionCathodion
- 1 Desperate SentryDesperate Sentry
- 1 Doomed TravelerDoomed Traveler
- 1 Eldrazi DevastatorEldrazi Devastator
- 1 Filigree CrawlerFiligree Crawler
- 1 Gold MyrGold Myr
- 1 Hand of EmrakulHand of Emrakul
- 1 Harvestguard AlseidsHarvestguard Alseids
- 1 Hedron CrawlerHedron Crawler
- 1 Hopeful EidolonHopeful Eidolon
- 1 Icatian CrierIcatian Crier
- 1 Kor CartographerKor Cartographer
- 1 Kozilek's ChannelerKozilek's Channeler
- 1 Kozilek's PathfinderKozilek's Pathfinder
- 1 Myr MoonvesselMyr Moonvessel
- 1 Myr SireMyr Sire
- 1 Nyxborn ShieldmateNyxborn Shieldmate
- 1 Observant AlseidObservant Alseid
- 1 Perilous MyrPerilous Myr
- 1 Pilgrim's EyePilgrim's Eye
- 1 Ruin ProcessorRuin Processor
- 1 Runed ServitorRuned Servitor
- 1 Soldier ReplicaSoldier Replica
- 1 Ulamog's CrusherUlamog's Crusher
- 1 Unruly MobUnruly Mob
- 1 Warden of GeometriesWarden of Geometries
- 1 Workshop AssistantWorkshop Assistant
Artifacts (18)
- 1 Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar
- 1 Commander's SphereCommander's Sphere
- 1 Dispeller's CapsuleDispeller's Capsule
- 1 Expedition MapExpedition Map
- 1 Ghoulcaller's BellGhoulcaller's Bell
- 1 Herbal PoulticeHerbal Poultice
- 1 Ichor WellspringIchor Wellspring
- 1 Implement of ImprovementImplement of Improvement
- 1 Mind StoneMind Stone
- 1 Mycosynth WellspringMycosynth Wellspring
- 1 Origin SpellbombOrigin Spellbomb
- 1 Seer's LanternSeer's Lantern
- 1 Shard of Broken GlassShard of Broken Glass
- 1 Sylvok LifestaffSylvok Lifestaff
- 1 TerrarionTerrarion
- 1 Tormod's CryptTormod's Crypt
- 1 Universal SolventUniversal Solvent
- 1 Wayfarer's BaubleWayfarer's Bauble
Enchantments (4)
- 1 Bound in SilenceBound in Silence
- 1 Fanatical DevotionFanatical Devotion
- 1 Lunarch MantleLunarch Mantle
- 1 Seal of CleansingSeal of Cleansing
Instants (7)
- 1 Eyes in the SkiesEyes in the Skies
- 1 Frantic SalvageFrantic Salvage
- 1 Raise the AlarmRaise the Alarm
- 1 Rootborn DefensesRootborn Defenses
- 1 Scour from ExistenceScour from Existence
- 1 Shields of Velis VelShields of Velis Vel
- 1 Trostani's JudgmentTrostani's Judgment
Sorceries (4)
- 1 Angelic PurgeAngelic Purge
- 1 Cenn's EnlistmentCenn's Enlistment
- 1 Remember the FallenRemember the Fallen
- 1 Triplicate SpiritsTriplicate Spirits
Lands (37)
- 1 Ash BarrensAsh Barrens
- 1 Bant PanoramaBant Panorama
- 1 Buried RuinBuried Ruin
- 1 Drifting MeadowDrifting Meadow
- 1 Esper PanoramaEsper Panorama
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Haunted FengrafHaunted Fengraf
- 1 Naya PanoramaNaya Panorama
- 1 QuicksandQuicksand
- 1 Secluded SteppeSecluded Steppe
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
- 1 Warped LandscapeWarped Landscape
- 23 PlainsPlains
- 2 WastesWastes
No Skin Off My Back
And just like that, Extricator of SinExtricator of Sin (and occasionally Flesh) checks out for $25.00 by TCG Mid pricing, with the potential to go even lower with cuts of Ancient DenAncient Den or Ash BarrensAsh Barrens. All told, both of today's decks could be constructed for $50.00 to $60.00 at most, but are likely to cost you far less. If you're jonesing to play Pauper Commander, try giving these or other decks a shot! Should you wish to discuss PDH decks or metagames with me, send me some characters on Twitter, drop an Ask on Tumblr, hit me up on high-speed snail mail (a.k.a. email), or come by the Pauper EDH subreddit. Until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market.
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