dromar the banisher
Singleton Shmingleton - Build an Esper Control Deck with Trait Doctoring
Dive into the past with this Dromar, the Banisher deck that cares all about colors.
Unburden - In Search of a True 100-Card Commander Deck
Which commanders require the most accessories, and which don't use any tokens or dice at all?
Solve the Equation - The Odds on Color-Hosers
Just how useful are cards that only affect opponents playing a specific color?
Weird Harvest — Cyclonic Rift is my Commander!
Welcome back to Weird Harvest, the column devoted to all things jank. This week we have our sights set on an Esper commander that tries to do something on its color identity. I know, the notion shocked me as well when it initially occurred to me. As I contemplated this thought for a bit it […]