ilharg the raze boar
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Set Review - Blue
How do the new blue cards from Neon Dynasty stack up?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Pipers
Elvish Piper picked a peck of popular powers. A popular peck of powers Elvish Piper picked!
The 600 - A Review of War of the Spark Predictions
Let's check in on the popularity of War of the Spark's commanders!
Commander Showdown - Ilharg vs Purphoros
If you like sneak attacks, which commander is right for you?
Monomania Takes on Theros – Sneakers and Creepers
The new Purphoros has some amazing new toys to play with!
Heart of the Cards – Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Cow goes "moo," Dog says "woof," and Dragons go "Oink."
Playgroup Brews - War of the Spark (Pt 1)
Five new Gods have entered EDH... which means it's time for five new deck techs!
- 1(current)
- 2