
Collected Company - Gyruda

Collected Company - Gyruda

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
Which commanders does the Gyruda companion pair best with? Let's dive in!
EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel

EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
Just like Achilles, every Commander deck has a secret weakness. It's not about opponents having the perfect answer to your strategy - sometimes there's a hidden weak point in the deck itself... one the deck brewer may not even know, that can be the deck's downfall. Today the EDHRECast digs through tons of deck archetypes […]
Archetune-Up - Whips and Chainers Excite Me

Archetune-Up - Whips and Chainers Excite Me

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Chainer tries out some new themes to improve his play!
Conditions Allow - Haakon, Stromgald Scourge

Conditions Allow - Haakon, Stromgald Scourge

Ben Doolittle
Ben Doolittle
Elspeth isn't the only one who can escape from the underworld
Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Commander Showdown - Chainer vs Chainer

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Chainer vs Chainer! Which reanimator gives enemies more nightmares?
Conditions Allow - Lieutenant Kirtar

Conditions Allow - Lieutenant Kirtar

Ben Doolittle
Ben Doolittle
Can mono-white overcome a commander that constantly sacrifices itself?
Replacement Commanders - Recurring Nightmares

Replacement Commanders - Recurring Nightmares

DM Cross
DM Cross
( | Art by Steve Prescott) The Next Link in the Chain Welcome back, Commander faithful, to another 2019 edition of Replacement Commanders! This is where we shine the spotlight on the unique legendary creatures in the Commander 2019 precon decks that didn't make it on the front of the packaging. Before we get into […]