rishkars expertise
Too-Specific Top 10 - Equal Value
"Converted mana cost" is transforming into "mana value", so this Top 10 is mana-value-tastic!
Monomania - All Things Considered: Green
It's not easy being green... oh, who are we kidding, it's a BLAST!
Superior Numbers - Why is Harmonize So Good?
What makes Harmonize so much more popular than Concentrate?
Monomania Takes on Eldraine – Best Friend Auditions
Syr Faren is very fair indeed... now let's use him to smash our way to victory!
Monomania – You're Going to Like the Way You Look
Gargos has a crisp new suit, which means he's ready for business.
Underdog's Corner - Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
The underwater underdog proves why it deserves to see more play!
Ultra Budget Brews - Polukranos, World Eater
The Thrifty Life Hello and welcome back to another addition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that is fully committed to "The Thrifty Life". Here's a small list of things that might indicate that you too are committed to "The Thrifty Life". Do you ever: Get a fountain drink from the gas station (20 […]
60 to 100 — Landscapes Don't Sooth Angry Omnath
A few weeks ago I went to Grand Prix Oklahoma City. If you've never been to a Grand Prix event I can't recommend it enough; the experience of just going and hanging out with a few thousand other nerds is pretty great. If you find such an event within driving distance just throw a few […]