Mechanical Memories — A Tale of Three Thalias
How much do you actually know about Thalia? Learn about the mechanics, design and history in EDHREC's brand new series.
Archetune-Up - Blim, the Bad Santa
Gifts so bad you'll WISH you'd gotten coal this year instead!
Commander Legends Set Review - Wedge and Shard Legends
Let's review some three-color legends!
Epic Experiment - Siona Stax
Transforming Siona into your opponents' worst nightmare.
Heart of the Cards – Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Cow goes "moo," Dog says "woof," and Dragons go "Oink."
Heart of the Cards – Queen Marchesa
Queen Marchesa has many potential runways to walk down, and she'll dominate all of them.
Replacement Commanders - Cultivating Some Violence!
DM Cross
Kestia is the Bestia Hello again, lovely readers! It is I, Seth Cross, and we are back with yet another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series is dedicated to all the unloved legendary creatures that get printed in the annual Commander product decks but are not the face cards of the decks themselves. While everyone […]