the first sliver
Recross the Paths - Building a Slivers/Assassins Deck With Rukarumel Biologist
Combining Assassins and Slivers makes a deck you shouldn't let slip out your grasp!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Evolving More
Can Doug construct a deck entirely from his Too-Specific Top 10s?
The 600 - A Review of Modern Horizons
How popular are Modern Horizons commanders after 1 year?
Superior Numbers - Five Lessons Learned from Brewing with Five Colors
Learning some important lessons for a five-color brew
Commander Showdown - Sliver Battle Royale
Which Sliver commander do you want to lead the hive?
Modern Horizons Set Review - Gold
( | Art by Seb McKinnon) Gold on the Horizon Welcome to the Modern Horizons multicolored review. There's a lot to talk about and no time to waste, so let's dive right in! The First Sliver Oh boy. I don't know what I was expecting from Modern Horizons, but it wasn't this. Anyone who has played […]
The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of Modern Horizons Commanders
Modern Horizons has some excellent new legends, but which will become the most popular?