twilight prophet
Top 10 Creatures That Draw Cards
Draw from your deck and your graveyard with these Golgari creatures!
Reconstruct History — Phyrexian Arena
How have black's traditional card draw options held up in EDH?
Commander Showdown - Aminatou vs Yennett
Master of Your Own Fate Commander 2018 has brought us some of the craziest new commanders we've ever seen. We have three new blue-red Artificers, one of whom duplicates your tokens; three new Bantchantresses, masters of card advantage; a Jund lands commander who's so cool I had already sleeved up my 99 in anticipation of his […]
Weird Harvest — Every rose has its thorn
Hello fellow jank brewers! Welcome back to another installment of Weird Harvest. Rivals of Ixalan is out and it's time to start brewing with some of the sweet pieces of cardboard it contains. There are some fantastic options for new generals, but only one sparked my desire for jank. Orzhov has always been a favorite […]
Rivals of Ixalan EDH Review — Top Ten
Hello all, Today I have the pleasure to bring you the Top Ten EDH cards from the newest Magic: The Gathering expansion, Rivals of Ixalan. Now... what makes a card fit into the Top Ten? I think a card makes the cut via a combination of power and the ability to see play in multiple […]
Rivals of Ixalan Review — Black
Black is the best color in Magic: the Gathering and I will not hear any argument or evidence otherwise. That's why I get to do the black review because the best writer gets to do the best color. I will also ignore all evidence to the contrary on this matter as well. : Up first […]