whisper blood liturgist
Challenge the Stats – Restless Dreams
Looking for an underplayed gem? Jevin's dreaming of a very restless card....
Too-Specific Top 10 - Monocolor Pauper Commanders!
Popular mono-color Pauper picks? Pretty powerful!
60 to 100 - Korvold the Value-Cursed King
Taking Standard's Jund Food deck and turning it into an EDH deck!
Uncommonders - Black and Silver Recursion Machine
DM Cross
Vault of Whispers Hello, wonderful readers! I want to start off this article with a confession. I have this secret, something that may shock some of you, as it is not something I think most people would expect from me. If you cannot tell, I am stalling, because this is huge for me to finally […]
Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist
Lemme Whisper in Your Ear Hello, readers! Welcome back to another installment of the Underdog's Corner! As always, thank you so much for reading! If you've been away for a while, or you are a new reader welcome to the the third installment of our mini-series focused on the new legends from Dominaria! With so […]
Commander Time! — Belzenlok, Whisper, Josu Vess
We brewed mono black commanders from Dominaria! Patrick draws big spells with Demonlord Belzenlok. Dean plays leapfrog with the graveyard using Whisper Blood Liturgist. Nate reviews how to build tribal decks with the zombie Josu Vess Lich Knight. patreon.com/commandertime itscommandertime@gmail.com @commandtime @grubfellow @misterplorg @detectiveyarmas articles.edhrec.com/author/dean-gootee articles.edhrec.com/author/nate-burgess articles.edhrec.com/author/patrick-sippola deckstats.net/decks/85558
EDHREC Dominaria Set Review — Black
It's that time of the year everyone; set review time! The decision-making folks decided to give the black cards to the person who plays the least amount of black for some random reason. Who knows? However, here we are doing the things that need doin'. I won't be covering the Saga cards here today, as […]