abhorrent overlord
Do Your Worst - Mono-Black Blink
Now you see it, now you don't - Philomène takes on creating a Blink deck in mono-black in her latest deck challenge.
Power Sink - Yawgmoth's Reanimation Syndication
Lenny changes the channel from Yawgmoth combo to Yawgmoth reanimator!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Unscheduled Maintenance
Double or nothing! These cards love additional upkeep steps.
Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist
Lemme Whisper in Your Ear Hello, readers! Welcome back to another installment of the Underdog's Corner! As always, thank you so much for reading! If you've been away for a while, or you are a new reader welcome to the the third installment of our mini-series focused on the new legends from Dominaria! With so […]