xantcha sleeper agent
Too-Specific Top 10 - Compleated Commanders
The Phyrexians have invaded EDH! Which commanders have already been compleated?
Solve the Equation – Game Theory Basics: Political Cards in Commander
Benjamin uses game theory to analyze EDH's most famous political cards!
Challenge the Stats – Outmaneuver Your Opponents
Jevin's not just challenging the stats, he's outmaneuvering them!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
Need a place to put your infinite mana? Let's check out some mana sinks!
Making the Cut - Pseudo Commanders
In a Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Mass Discard deck, Theater of Horrors is a backup commander.
Commander 2018 Set Review — Gold (Pt 2), Artifacts, and Lands
Commander Treasures It's that time of year again! August, the birthday month for many an EDHREC author including Joey Schultz, Sam Alpert and yours truly. For our birthdays, Wizards has decided to release the yearly commander product in August again! Now there may have been a bit of a kerfuffle about what exactly a "Jund lands" […]