Decks with The Fourteenth Doctor // Adric, Mathematical Genius - Budget Birthing Pod

The Fourteenth Doctor // Adric, Mathematical Genius
3 decks (0.000%) Rank #2659
Michael Celani
How They Brew It - Dan Lewis Hits You with a Car
The plan: scrounge up enough junk around you and use it as improvised weaponry, thereby running an Equipment deck with almost no Equipment.
Deck Filters
Commander Spellbook
PriceTagsSaltCreatureInstantSorceryArtifactEnchantmentPlaneswalkerSave Date
View Decklist$333
Birthing Pod
Salt Score30.41Creature25Instant12Sorcery14Artifact9Enchantment3Planeswalker02024-06-24
View Decklist$302
Birthing Pod
Salt Score30.16Creature29Instant12Sorcery11Artifact9Enchantment2Planeswalker02024-05-26
View Decklist$312
Birthing Pod
Salt Score30.27Creature28Instant11Sorcery10Artifact9Enchantment5Planeswalker02024-04-22
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 decks