dark depths
Singleton Shmingleton - Commune with Nature
Build an Azusa, Lost but Seeking deck with powerful lands and explosive card draw.
Achievement Unlocked - Building With a Deck Restriction
Want a snow deck? That's snow problem!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Great Ability
Activated or triggered abilities? Legendary sources? And only colorless cards!? You gotta check these out.
Too-Specific Top 10 - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
Need a place to put your infinite mana? Let's check out some mana sinks!
Ranking Every Land with EDHREC – Part 22: Making the 20/20s Your Own!
Ranking every land in Commander with EDHREC!
Superior Numbers - Cascading Changes and Vestigial Cards
Observing the massive impacts that a single card can have on a deck.
Non-Basically Speaking — The Gitrog Monster
Hello friends and faithful followers of the Toad, welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing biweekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. If you have followed us for the past several weeks, no doubt you […]
EDH Political Science — Land Ho!
Cartography has been political since the beginning of history. The act of making a map has an intrinsic relation to the boundaries governments set. Creating a world within a page for others to see manufactures a perception on the world it depicts. This could be a fabrication. John Smith created new towns and territories to […]
Non-Basically Speaking — Zur the Enchanter
Hello friends and solemn guests, welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing biweekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. Hey all! Wally D. here fresh off of a non, Non-Basically Speaking article. For those of […]
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