Pursuit of Knowledge - Golgari
Deathly Data In the first article of this series, I presented a number of results regarding card effectiveness based on gameplay data from the Command Zone. What can be done with such data? Can we use this'information as a tool for deckbuilding? In this second installment of Pursuit of Knowledge, we will take a look […]
Making the Cut - Lowering the Mana Curve
Making the Cut - An Intro! Hello, and welcome to Making the Cut, where we look at the pros and cons of those last few cards in the 99. My name is Doug, and I’ve been playing Magic off and on since Fallen Empires. This not only explains my irrational love of , but also […]
Epic Experiment - Virtus & Gorm Elfball
Epic Preparations Good Morning, EDHREC! I’m Bernardo Melibeu and this is The Epic Experiment, a series where we throw all common sense aside and experiment with some unusual cards, effectively changing how we normally build our deck. Is it going to work? Who knows?! We’re making science here. When you’re an Izzet mage, blowing things up […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
Unstoppable, Yet Affordable Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander! AJH is a series where I build and share $20 deck techs. While this series will probably be new to most of you, I started posting this series six weeks ago on Reddit (those older articles will also be accessible on EDHREC via my author page). For […]
General Medicine — Savra's Supreme Sacrifice Engine
Welcome back friends to another edition of General Medicine! Today we’re taking a look at a two-color deck very much built around the commander championing it, Peter’s brew of ! But before we get into the list and a preliminary diagnosis, I want to expand upon the color pairing in general. Golgari in EDH I […]
Uncompetitive Spirit — Kingdoms
Too Many Cooks... EDH is pretty great, though I think we’d be hard-pressed to find consensus among the community about exactly what it is that makes it great. Some like to play competitive EDH, a concept I myself find very difficult to grok. Some like to play preconstructed decks or Pauper EDH with only commons […]
EDH Political Science — Duel to the Death
World at War When the world is thrown into the chaos of multi-sided war there is an air of unpredictability. Each country is attempting to get an edge on the enemy, but is ultimately only concerned with survival. During the last World War, there were the Axis and Allies, but each country fought multiple fronts […]
Commander Showdown — Hapatra vs The Scorpion God
V for Venom-Detta Voilà! In view, the vast valleys of Ixalan! However, now that we've arrived at this vivid, vibrant vista, we must veer our vessel back to Amonkhet! We volunteered to visit two voracious veterans before the Hour of Devastation vanishes, and they would be very vexed and vindictive if we vacated our vow. If you, valuable viewer, would rather […]
Weird Harvest — Pharika, Plague Politics
Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of Weird Harvest. Over the course of this series I hope to impress upon all of you one of my favorite elements of EDH, and that is using jank during our build process to disrupt our opponents. You may ask yourself, “Why would I ever intentionally put […]
Commander Showdown — Titania vs The Gitrog Monster
Let Me Tell You a Story Some time ago, I sat down for a game with my favorite deck, . A short while into this game, I assembled a small army with an . An opponent wiped the board. I dropped a and began to recreate the army, but the board was again wiped. Undeterred, […]