evolving wilds

In the Margins - Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse

In the Margins - Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
Currently, there are 86,182 decks in the EDHREC database running [card]Evolving Wilds[/card] and another 69,144 running [card]Terramorphic Expanse[/card], and not a single one of them should have either as part of the 99. Welcome back to In the Margins, a periodic column where I tell you how 100,000+ decks are doing it wrong. Also, my car […]
Commander Showdown — Titania vs The Gitrog Monster

Commander Showdown — Titania vs The Gitrog Monster

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Let Me Tell You a Story Some time ago, I sat down for a game with my favorite deck, [card]The Gitrog Monster[/card]. A short while into this game, I assembled a small army with an [card]Avenger of Zendikar[/card]. An opponent wiped the board. I dropped a [card]Rampaging Baloths[/card] and began to recreate the army, but […]