thalisse reverent medium
Recross the Paths - Building a Spirits Deck with Marneus Calgar
Get spirited away by this typal deckbuild of a Warhammer commander!
Challenge the Stats SWAP! - Thalisse, Reverent Medium
Who's that!? Mike Carrozza from Commander's Herald steps in to Challenge Thalisse's stats!
Reconstruct History — Tombstone Stairwell & Infernal Genesis
Giving your opponents a bunch of creatures has never been more powerful!
The 600 - A Review of Commander Legends Predictions
Time to review the review! How popular did the Commander Legends legends end up?
Commander Showdown - Teysa vs Thalisse
Black-white tokens? Aristocrats and spirits? A deep dive into the Orzhov afterlife masters!
The 600 – Predicting the Popularity of Commander Legends, Part 2
Predicting the popularity of Commander Legends generals in 1 year's time!
Commander Legends Set Review - Uncommon Guild Legends
These new uncommon legends are uncommonly good!
EDHRECast - Our Decks!
EDHRECast - Our Personal Decklists! Hello! Below you'll find links for decks belonging to the hosts of the EDHRECast: Joey Schultz, Matt Morgan, and Dana Roach! Check out the EDHRECast here! Enjoy the cast, and enjoy the decklists! Joey's Decks - Baby Lasagna - Mimeoplastic - Syrah Konnor + - A "Commander" Commander Deck - […]