The Over/Under - A Review of March of the Machine: The Aftermath Commanders

Nearly Identical - Commander Liara Portyr or Neyali?

The Other Ability - Pia Nalaar, Consul of Madness

The Over/Under - Predicting the Popularity of March of the Machine: The Aftermath Commanders

Too-Specific Top 10 - Path From Exile

There're more and more commanders that care about casting cards from exile, so Doug runs us through some different ways of putting cards into exile to cast.

#basking rootwalla, #battle mammoth, #battles, #big game hunter, #blazing rootwalla, #bloodbraid elf, #bloodbraid marauder, #call to the netherworld, #center soul, #consul of revival, #consuming vapors, #cosmic intervention, #crystal dragon, #delayed blast fireball, #dire fleet daredevil, #dream devourer, #Dual Strike, #dwarven reinforcements, #embereth shieldbreaker, #emerald dragon, #emerge unscathed, #ephemerate, #epochrasite, #exile matters, #faldorn, #Faldorn Dread Wolf Herald, #fevered suspicion, #fight rigging, #Flamekin Herald, #Giant Killer, #glimpse of tomorrow, #gonti lord of luxury, #great teachers decree, #green slime, #horn of valhalla, #invasion of belenon, #invasion of ergamon, #Invasion of Fiora, #invasion of gobakhan, #invasion of karsus, #invasion of mercadia, #invasion of shandalar, #Madness, #merchant of the vale, #mosswort bridge, #murderous rider, #nantuko shaman, #nomads assembly, #Pia Nalaar consul of revival, #preys vengeance, #Prosper, #Prosper Tome-Bound, #Rabble Rousing, #ragavan nimble pilferer, #rain of riches, #realm-cloaked giant, #resurgent belief, #rift bolt, #rift sower, #riftmarked knight, #rise of the dread marn, #rousing refrain, #sarulf's packmate, #search for tomorrow, #spinerock knoll, #starnheim unleashed, #stoic farmer, #stromkirk occultist, #survival cache, #throes of chaos, #tlincalli hunter, #venture forth, #violent outburst, #wild-magic sorcerer, #windbrisk heights, #world at war, #You Find Some Prisoners, #young red dragon Read More »