Support the show and become a Patron! Be a part of our community, receive awesome rewards, and more! -------- Show Notes: War never changes, but your precons probably should! This episode, we’re diving deep into the “SCIENCE!” (blue/red/white) artifact deck and the “Mutant Menace” (black/green/blue) radiation brew from Universes Beyond: Fallout. We’ve got upgrade […]
MTG Muddstah - Scarab God vs Ashnod vs Hama Pashar vs Trynn | Silvar EDH / CMDR game play
►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: ►Here's where you can join the Generic Goblin Gang: ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Join this channel to get access to perks: ►Tweet me at: @MTGMuddstah Scarab God: Ashnod: Hama Pashar: Trynn | Silvar: ►Use […]
Commander Cookout - cEDH Blink - Oji, Exquisite Blade Control - Video Primer & Decktech Guide | Competitive Commander
Azorius month is coming in hot for our finish with a brand new control deck brew! Displacer Kitten can do some powerful things in cEDH and this week, John is trying to make a blink deck work in cEDH! If you remember playing decks like Aminatou the Fateshifter or Roon of the Hidden Realm, this […]
The Best Black Characters in Magic - A Black History Month Community Celebration
Black creators in Magic's community share which Magic cards mean the most to them.
#danitha capashen paragon, #path of ancestry, #samut voice of dissent, #teferi, #teferi hero of dominaria, #teferi's protection, #Théoden King of Rohan Read More »
Digital Deckbuilding - Collaborating on Archidekt
John builds a deck with Dana Roach of EDHRECast using Archidekt!
#archidekt, #Cultist of the Absolute, #deckbuilding, #EDHRECast, #Volo Itinerant Scholar Read More »
Hail, Caesar Fallout Precon Upgrade Guide
How do we make the Legion more powerful? Find out in this Upgrade Guide for Hail, Caesar, the precon from Universes Beyond: Fallout.
#aggro, #aristrocrat, #caesar, #commander, #fallout, #Human, #mardu, #Precon, #soldier, #token, #universes beyond, #Upgrade Read More »
Hail, Caesar Fallout Precon Review
Is Hail, Caesar, the new precon from Universes Beyond: Fallout, any good? How do you play it? What are the new cards? Find out in this Precon Review.
#caesar, #empire, #fallout, #hail caesar, #legion, #mardu, #token, #universes beyond Read More »
[JP] MTG Kitasenju Ikeda-ha - 【EDH】これからボロスの統率者を始めようと思ってる人におすすめの統率者4選。Recommended Boros Commander
今回はこれからボロスの統率者をやろうと思っている人におすすめの統率者を4体選んできました。ボロスやってみたいけど、どいつから手を出していいかわからないという方は、こちらの4体が我々のお勧めです。ボロスが好きな方は他にもこいつ楽しいぜって統率者いましたらコメントしていただけるとありがたいです。Recommended Boros Commander #統率者 #EDH #ボロス #Boros オレリアの動画はこちらです↓ 自分が使う統率者と全く違う統率者の話でも、 解説されるコンセプトやカードが思わぬ参考になる事もあるので、 是非まだの方はチャンネル登録をお願いします。 我々はオリジナルのアイディアを生み出す事もあります。 twitter Tweets by crazydreamer35
Local Game Guy - Fallout Legendary Tier List Guide! | Live Set Review | Magic The Gathering MTG Commander cEDH EDH
Follow Local Game Group on our other socials here: Purchase your cards at TCGplayer! (Affiliate): Join the Discord: - Welcome to Local Game Group! Today we'll be ranking all the Legendary's from Fallout x Magic: The Gathering from the perspective of cEDH players! Have thoughts, opinions, feelings? ... Share them during the […]
Commander Cookout - Dealing with Mistakes in Commander - Lots of Mistakes | Commander Cookout Podcast 421 | EDH | MTG
We've all done it. We think we have things all figured out. A perfect plan. The perfect combat trick. The perfect strategy. Then, to our (and often our opponents') dismay, we find out that whatever we are doing, or going to do, or did, is wrong and we have to find some way to fix […]