The Commander Tavern - Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar | Artifact & Creature Recursion - The Brewery [S06E22]

While Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar doesn't have any real path-defining way to build around her besides abusing food tokens, since it requires discarding to even be able to cast her, I decided to take advantage of that in more ways than one. Value is discarded away to then be cheated back in. This is especially abused with artifacts […]

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The Commander Tavern - Prosper, Tome-Bound | Thievery / Exile - The Brewery [S06E21]

With Prosper I didn't want to just impulsive draw, cast spells with cascade, suspend, foretell, and call it a day. I wanted to also steal my opponents' cards by exiling them and casting them from exile, thereby disrupting them in the process. Here's the link to the decklist: [coming soon] Twitter: Tweets by CommanderTavern Patreon: […]

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The Commander Tavern - How to Use Jumpstart Historic Horizons in Paper Magic - A Flight [S01E16]

In this special episode of A Flight, not only do I review all of the unique cards in Jumpstart Historic Horizons, but how to play with them in paper if you want to proxy them for Rule 0 games or for a commander cube. Twitter: Tweets by CommanderTavern Patreon: Discord: TCGPlayer affiliate link: […]

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The Commander Tavern - Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant | Goad / Combat - The Brewery [S06E20]

In this video I brewed yet another forced-combat commander. However, unlike Marisi or Thantis, Karazikar has built-in card advantage helping you dig deeper through your deck. So you can either build him for his own merit or include him as 1 of the 99 in Thantis, the Warweaver. Here's the link to the decklist: [coming […]

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The Commander Tavern - Sefris of the Hidden Ways | Venture - The Brewery [S06E19]

I really love the venture mechanic - so much so that between AFR and the precons it's possibly the greatest number of swaps I've made to my commander cube at any single time from any new product since I started building it. This deck is no different. Although not the only legendary creature with the […]

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The Commander Tavern - Galea, Kindler of Hope | Storm / Voltron - The Brewery [S06E18]

Galea is essentially a much superior Sram, Senior Edificer so I built her as such. Sometime you can storm off and get a huge creature plus a huge advantage. So you can usually win via commander damage or building up some other huge creature. Here's the link to the decklist: Twitter: Tweets by CommanderTavern […]

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The Commander Tavern - Minsc, Beloved Ranger | Sacrifice / Beatdown - The Brewery [S06E17]

Minsc is actually a free, sorcery-speed sacrifice outlet in the command zone. So not only can you make your creatures X/X to smash face but also 0/0 for maximum value, making Minsc an incredibly versatile RGW commander. Here's the link to the decklist: Twitter: Tweets by CommanderTavern Patreon: Discord: TCGPlayer affiliate link: […]

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The Commander Tavern - Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients | Enrage / Combo - The Brewery [S06E15]

I've been waiting a very long time for a legendary creature with an enrage trigger on it. This deck might be red and green but it can combo off like blue and black decks do. It can still win via beatdown also, since it is green and black, after all. Here's the link to the […]

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The Commander Tavern - Volo, Guide to Monsters | Tribe-less Tribal - The Brewery [S06E14]

Volo is an incredibly versatile commander with infinite possibilities on how to brew him. This is just how I would brew it with some cards I really like as well as plenty of interactions that will undoubtedly cause you to use a calculator 😛 Here's the link to the decklist: Twitter: Tweets by CommanderTavern […]

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The Commander Tavern - Xanathar, Guild Kingpin | Thievery / Control - The Brewery [S06E13]

Thievery is an archetype that will make your pod quite salty so play this at your own risk. Be prepared to become the archenemy. But apart from that, being able to silence your opponents while you steal their stuff is quite enjoyable if you're sadistic like that 😀 Here's the link to the decklist: […]

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