Singleton Shmingleton - Evolving Wilds

Decks vs the Data: Lessons from Joey's Decks | EDHRECast 250

Nom nom nom! We dive into the nuances of Joey's Baba Lysaga deck to discover more about risk-taking in EDH and the difficulty of balancing type-dependent lists! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! Want to see the decks we play? Check […]

#Agent of the Iron Throne, #ashaya soul of the wild, #aspect of mongoose, #Baba Lysaga Night Witch, #bequeathal, #blossoming bogbeast, #darksteel citadel, #dryad arbor, #EDHRECast, #gloomshrieker, #instill energy, #kaya's ghostform, #liquimetal coating, #liquimetal torque, #llanowar loamspeaker, #marionette master, #mazirek kraul death priest, #memnite, #mishras factory, #ornithopter, #poison-tip archer, #primal druid, #prototype portal, #rancor, #restore, #splendid reclamation, #syr konrad the grim, #Tireless Provisioner, #titania protector of argoth, #treasure vault, #tree of tales, #ugins nexus, #urzas saga, #vault of whispers, #viridian emissary, #world shaper, #zuran orb Read More »

MTG Muddstah - New card testing! Titania vs Liesa vs Feldon vs Cecily | Othelm #edh #cmdr game play

►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Here's where you can join the Generic Goblin Gang: ►Here's my referral link for OMA: ►Click here for affiliate link for Alter Sleeves: ►Tweet me at: @MTGMuddstah Titania: Feldon: Liesa: Cecily […]

#cecily haunted mage, #commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #Feldon Ronom Excavator, #liesa shroud of dusk, #mtg muddstah, #othelm sigardian outcast, #titania protector of argoth Read More »

MTG Muddstah - I didn't know this was legal! Go-Shintai vs Titania vs Magar vs Marchesa #edh #cmdr game play

►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Here's where you can join the Generic Goblin Gang: ►Here's my referral link for OMA: ►Click here for affiliate link for Alter Sleeves: ►Tweet me at: @MTGMuddstah Titania: Magar: Go-Shintai: […]

#commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #Go-Shintai of Life's Origin, #Magar of the Magic Strings, #marchesa the black rose, #mtg muddstah, #titania protector of argoth Read More »

Dominaria United Set Review - Enemy Colors and Wedges

The 600 - A Review of Modern Horizons 2 Commanders

The Art of Playtesting Commander Decks | EDHRECast 224

The 'Play More Basics' Debate | EDHRECast 209

How many basic lands does your deck play? Can utility lands cause more harm than good? Let's discuss! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: Check out our new custom […]

#alchemists refuge, #ancient den, #ancient tomb, #back to basics, #blanchwood armor, #blood moon, #boseiju who endures, #defile, #EDHRECast, #emeria's call, #extraplanar lens, #Field of the Dead, #Fiery Islet, #forest, #foundry of the consuls, #hermit druid, #homeward path, #island, #kessig wolf run, #magus of the moon, #Morphic pool, #mountain, #mystic sanctuary, #nykthos shrine to nyx, #plains, #primal order, #rockfall vale, #rustvale bridge, #sea gate restoration, #swamp, #temple garden, #temple of silence, #titania protector of argoth, #vault of the archangel, #zagoth triome Read More »

Choosing the Right Commander | EDHRECast 199

[IT] MaNa TuBe - Titania vs Bruse Malcolm I Centurion Commander Gameplay I Commander 1vs1 I

In Questo Gameplay Centurion vedrete sfidarsi Malcolm / Bruse vs Titania Buona Visione Se non l'avete ancora fatto iscivetevi al canale Abbonati a questo canale per accedere ai vantaggi: Anche Patreon è un ottimo modo per darci il sostegno per continuare e avere nuovi spunti dove possiamo creare video appositamente per […]

#1v1 edh, #bruse tarl boorish herder, #commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #malcolm keen-eyed navigator, #mana tube, #titania protector of argoth Read More »