Commander Cookout - Adventures in the Forgotten Realms D&D Legendary Lore Review | CCO Podcast 254 | EDH | MtG | CMDR

Join us as we kick off a new campaign and head into The Forgotten Realms! We start off with some initial thoughts and cover the cards and D&D lore behind a ton of the new legendary creatures from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms! Huge thank you to our sponsors, Fusion Gaming Online. They're your source […]

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The Commander Tavern - Xanathar, Guild Kingpin | Thievery / Control - The Brewery [S06E13]

Thievery is an archetype that will make your pod quite salty so play this at your own risk. Be prepared to become the archenemy. But apart from that, being able to silence your opponents while you steal their stuff is quite enjoyable if you're sadistic like that 😀 Here's the link to the decklist: […]

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[DE] Elder Demon Highlander - Xanathar, Guild Kingpin | Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure of the forgotten Realms Deck Tech | MTG

Xanathar ist ein Beholder und ist wohl Besitzer einer Bar, in der er seine Gäste betäuben kann, um sie zu bestehlen. Dieses Artwork wurde perfekt in die Fähigkeit des Beholders integriert und wir können jede Runde einen Spieler lähmen und uns an seiner Bibliothek bedienen. Doch welche Karten kann man in diesem Dungeons und Dragons […]

#Elder Demon Highlander, #paradox haze, #xanathar guild kingpin Read More »