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Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Rakdos Cards in Commander

The featured art for this article is Rakdos, the Muscle by Victor Maury

And now for the most entertaining Top 10 list of them all! It's our Top 10 Most Played Rakdos Cards in Commander.

#aristocrats, #combo, #commander, #goad, #most played, #rakdos, #removal, #sacrifice, #top 10, #treasure Read More »

Bloom For Your Buck - Budget Necrobloom Combo

Wombo Combo - Best Abzan Combos in EDH

Wombo Combo - Best Jund Combos in EDH

Top 10 Spells That Go Infinite With Stella Lee

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Rally the Ancestors - 50 Lands and a Plan

Rally the Ancestors is finishing up with a trip back to Kamigawa and a deck that's half lands.

#big mana, #combo, #kamigawa, #mono green, #ramp, #sasaya orochi ascendant, #sasayas essence Read More »